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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN Golden Axe Review- ouch

5.0 Presentation
The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense and levels end without warning.
4.0 Graphics
Muddy textures, low-res models and barely passable animation makes this a poor effort.
4.0 Sound
The soundtrack might be OK, but it's so low in the mix that you can't hear it. The sound effects are bland, and the voice work is contrived.
3.0 Gameplay
The combat system is boring, the defense is terrible, enemies are annoying and the beasts are clunky.
4.0 Lasting Appeal
The main story mode is long enough I suppose, and there are challenge options, but you won't want to stick around to see them to completion.

(out of 10 / not an average)




Around the Network

here is the link :

didn't expect it to be this low




I actually planned on buying this game. No way I'm paying full price for this turkey.

SpartanFX said:
here is the link :

didn't expect it to be this low

Not too surprising.  The game was looking bad, and ign seems to either rate fairly high, or find a whipping boy who they give a horrible score.



just a little more lower and it's Ninjabread Man.

Around the Network

A Golden Axe without multiplayer deserves a 3.2

3.2 lol wut?

RolStoppable said:
blackstar said:
3.2 lol wut?

I could be wrong, but I think the "not an average" line below the overall score is meant to mean that the overall score is not an average.


oh,didn't notice it

wait it's become weirder lol

I downloaded the "making of Golden Axe" video from Xbl yesterda. Made this game look like the 2nd coming. I was jazzed! Damn.

Which makes perfect sense as games (or any other artistic medium for that matter) can end up being more or less then the sum of its parts.