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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ ブラックオプス





Other Versions

All, DS, PC, Wii, X360

Release Dates

11/09/10 Activision
11/18/10 Square Enix
11/09/10 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 349
Favorite: 21
Tracked: 16
Wishlist: 11
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:



Hear the call of duty once again with this seventh entry in this blockbuster first-person shooter franchise. Call of Duty: Black Ops takes you deep behind enemy lines into the world of deniable operations as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive conflicts across the globe. With access to a variety of exclusive weaponry and equipment, your actions will tip the balance during the most dangerous time period mankind has ever known.

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Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 24th Jan 2024

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (142)

1 n/a 1,979,267 1,530,092 805,784 4,315,143
2 129,317 408,107 273,977 152,308 963,709
3 30,385 319,918 172,186 105,199 627,688
4 9,270 177,583 183,529 87,711 458,093
5 7,491 225,874 193,794 98,349 525,508
6 25,415 281,626 197,857 108,034 612,932
7 11,926 354,847 224,489 127,853 719,115
8 10,435 149,654 132,773 66,620 359,482
9 9,160 78,174 54,335 29,793 171,462
10 7,596 55,826 34,836 19,954 118,212
korn62586 posted 31/07/2013, 10:31
how in the hell do almost 12 million people own this game, yet ive been sitting in the lobby waiting for a match to start for the last 15 min?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Kai Master posted 04/11/2012, 01:48
Best-selling occidental game on PS3, 442k is not that bad.
But 360+PS3 occidental champion is MW3 with 542k : the PS3 version is about equal to Blops but the 360 version sold more.
All-time most sold occidental game is still Donkey Kong Country (3m) et DK Returns (1m)... oops, I forgot Tetris ^^
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thewastedyouth posted 26/03/2012, 11:12
it sold really well in Japan!!! what!!!
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Mordred11 posted 31/12/2011, 04:53
Best COD since 4.
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The_Joker_Product posted 01/12/2011, 07:05
This is gonna end up passing Halo 3.
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lordmandeep posted 12/11/2011, 04:23
should do well over 11 million likely 11.5 million.
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