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Alternative Names

Uncharted: El Dorado no Hihou

アンチャーテッド エル・ドラドの秘宝


Naughty Dog



Release Dates

11/16/07 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/06/07 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/07/07 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 2,016
Favorite: 147
Tracked: 32
Wishlist: 39
Now Playing: 33

Avg Community Rating:


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) > Opinions (1036)

 1  7  8  9  10  11 
fabledgamer posted 10/01/2008, 12:23
I didn't think i would like this game because i'm not really into the whole Tomb Raider kind of games but i actually liked this game. Great Game
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Munkeh111 posted 09/01/2008, 07:41
@ DMeisterterJ, it has only been down adjusted... about 10 ten times
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Stats87 posted 09/01/2008, 08:51

assuming more changes aren't made....
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DMeisterJ posted 08/01/2008, 12:24
Down adjusted and up adjusted, may take a while to become a million seller. Feb/March?
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FatBoyPT posted 08/01/2008, 12:23
Finished it on crushing mode today. 1000 medals, 100%! I'm so happy! Fantastic game!
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thelulaby posted 07/01/2008, 10:49

Naughty Dog is behind this game and not Insomniac
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dannyphantom105 posted 07/01/2008, 10:28
yea its at 0.74 million now, i hope it continues to sell well.

at this rate i say it hites 1 million sometime in early spring, as europe sales seem to be slowing.
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cool48 posted 07/01/2008, 10:12
This is one of the funnest games ever, I could not believe how good it actually was, well it is Insomniac!
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Munkeh111 posted 07/01/2008, 09:41
this game has been downadjusted hundreds of times
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rukusa posted 07/01/2008, 05:24
GhostMLD, when you can't think of something to say, then dont say anything.

Sounds like you were try use this shit: "hmmm, how to really make this game look bad"

It ain't working though lol.
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DMeisterJ posted 07/01/2008, 12:38
@ Okey

Adjusted Euro numbers
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 06/01/2008, 10:18
its gone down to 0.70 million now. weird.
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Damstr8 posted 06/01/2008, 06:58
definite million seller by march
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DMeisterJ posted 06/01/2008, 02:57
@ GhostMLD

What was the point of that comment?
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Munkeh111 posted 05/01/2008, 08:27
@ ghost, Mass effect is at 1.12m, Uncharted is now selling better, especially in Europe, and the 360 has a much large user base, so I would count of Uncharted doing better.

At 0.72m now, it would make 1m by the end of Jan/Feb
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GhostMLD posted 05/01/2008, 05:03
pity, mass effect totally owned this game sales wise
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thelulaby posted 04/01/2008, 09:53
I had the 400th vote :)
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DMeisterJ posted 04/01/2008, 09:51

Guess graphics aren't enough to move a title. Surprised Ps3 owners didn't gobble this up, they should be hungry for exclusives right about now.

Guess that you should suck it, as this game will be a million seller. Now go somewhere else and troll, fanboy!
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DMeisterJ posted 04/01/2008, 09:47
This game will be a million seller! Then when it's inevitably packed in, two millon and so on, but good for Naughty Dog. Everyone thought this game would be a flop but that certainly isn't the case. I guess Sony's 1 million bucks they put to advertise this went to good use.
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rukusa posted 04/01/2008, 10:53

I think he's eaten too many anyway, he's probably full by now ;).
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outlawauron posted 04/01/2008, 06:49
@ Parokki

Would you like some crow?
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zackblue posted 04/01/2008, 05:06
Amazing, after launch sales that looked drastic for the game, its about to break the million seller point. Kudos naughty dog all your games are million sellers.
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FelmanX posted 04/01/2008, 04:19
easily sell 1 mil. Not the flop people thought it was
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Kamahl posted 04/01/2008, 02:55
0.71 million :D

good numbers
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Munkeh111 posted 03/01/2008, 11:52
the numbers keep on getting negatively adjusted, it is quite annoying
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 03/01/2008, 03:00

*goes to hide in the shadows*
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The Djib posted 03/01/2008, 02:47
I completed the game a few days ago.It was a really great game.

I hope it sells enough for uncharted to become a franchise,but i hope naughty dog make a new jak and daxter before an uncharted sequel.
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DMeisterJ posted 02/01/2008, 08:35
Yay, this title will be a million seller!

@ Onimusha

Go troll somehwere else, you don't even have a PS3.
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rukusa posted 02/01/2008, 07:56
Oh lol haha, just saw the newly updated Euro sales numbers ;P.

So awesome. Seems like EU will give the right boost in sales.
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rukusa posted 02/01/2008, 07:38
how the...!? woah great. But hang on a second, where did these numbers come from? we haven't gotten the software sales for any region yet.

Hopefully its true though.
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Globox82 posted 02/01/2008, 05:57
1 million for a new IP that has no multiplayer and on system that has less that 10 million install base, would be really great and it would guarantee sequel in the future.
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FSUsmartboi posted 02/01/2008, 05:03
It'll definitely reach 1 million units sold by the end of january. Hopefully the US numbers pick up so that it can help it get to a million faster, but this game will definitely sell 1 million regardless.
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FatBoyPT posted 02/01/2008, 12:32
Great game. Deserves all the success it gets. A great gaming experience.
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Ricardo221 posted 02/01/2008, 04:27
Nah, it'll reach a million way before that. I'm thinking third week of January. There are a lot of Best Buy and Gamestop gift cards that people still need to redeem. January sales will be good enough to have it break a million easily.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 02/01/2008, 04:26
An utterly amazing game, it deserves to reach 1Mil games sold in Others alone :D
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Dark Odin posted 02/01/2008, 01:40
680k!! wow!!! thanks europe, they love PS3!

it´ll reach a million in February-March I think.
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beto89 posted 01/01/2008, 08:49
Awesome Game ...It Gets A lot of things right...a must have for any ps3 owner.
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Dallinor posted 01/01/2008, 02:36
I finally got the game, and it's amazing.

Well worth the purchase for any PS3 owner.
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Munkeh111 posted 31/12/2007, 07:36
I hope this continues to sell well, although if amazon uk is any indication it is doing well. They are out of stock now and it has been just outside the top ten for a while now, the highest of any PS3 game
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Stats87 posted 30/12/2007, 10:22

I'm not, I went on a mini-rant of how so many people need multiplayer to justify game purchases or for games to be considered great.
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Kyros posted 30/12/2007, 05:04
Multiplayer in Uncharted? Weird idea. Its an interactive movie. And an awesome one. I would rather have game developers concentrate on making one thing right than pushing too much features in.
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Munkeh111 posted 30/12/2007, 04:35
@ rukusa, I hope there is some sort of co-op in the next one, plus more of an open game, more J & D mission based style, less storytelling, although I the story was excellent. Personally, I just want a game with more exploring, because although you spend quite a lot of time in the jungle, there is always only one path. I would like having to navigate through jungles, using your map and clues given. Much more platforming, and less dark parts towards the end of the game. However, I would prefer that they make a J & D game next.

I have seen tons of advertising in the UK and I hope it makes it to 1 million because it is such a good game that it deserves it. If they had managed a simultaneous release then it could have made 1m.
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rukusa posted 30/12/2007, 03:37

Dont push the idea of multi player in Uncharted.

Although, some kind of online component would be great, like say: 2-4 player online co-op. That would definitely make the biggest majority very happy.
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Stats87 posted 29/12/2007, 10:12
I think Naughty Dog will throw in a Multiplayer in the sequel (assuming there will be one) to keep North Americans happy.

Personally not every game needs a damn multiplayer and/or has to be 30 - 100 hours long. I got games like FF, Warhawk, Mass Effect, Disgaea and COD4 for that kind of stuff. Sometimes playing games that are only 7 - 15 hours long is a nice change of pace. I hate it when people go "yeah but does it have a multiplayer" Like seriously, go **** yourself.

That's why I didn't like some HS reviews that docked it for it's length of 6 - 8 hours. Give it the score it deserves and voice your displeasure in its length without hurting its score.
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rukusa posted 29/12/2007, 12:37
Finally got it. EB Games had it sold out yesterday, but I was lucky enough to find it elsewhere. Won't be able to play it for today, but tomorrow feels like a great day to play it through :).
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JSR21278 posted 28/12/2007, 10:12
Leo-J why do you say that as ive measured this fare and square and also I bet you think that the wii has bad graphics or something it has the second best graphics and the 360 has the worst but that doesnt mean nothing as graphics arnt everything. But the ps3 is just so advanced for this generation it realy is and the wii is very advanced to, the 360 is very different and allso people say that the ps3 is hard to program games on and develop games on this is a lie as most games company's say this as they dont desighn there games on computer engines which can make games for the ps3 and it is stupid that they dont just update there systems!
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Victoresparza2003 posted 28/12/2007, 09:14
Great game, half a million so far, not bad. It can probably reach a million.
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TurdFergusonMcGee posted 27/12/2007, 11:58
more sales in Europe in half the time (compared to America)
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TurdFergusonMcGee posted 27/12/2007, 11:57
okay 31,000 in America vs. 107,000 in Europe?? I guess it isn't violent enough for Americans. They need blood splatter and execution style murder.
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makingmusic476 posted 27/12/2007, 11:38
Man, this game is so awesome. I'm glad I finally was able to pick it up with giftcards from Christmas.

I wonder why it's selling so much better in Europe than in NA? Better marketing? I think I've only seen one commercial dedicated solely to the game here since it came out.
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Munkeh111 posted 27/12/2007, 10:57
Thank god for Europe
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hunter_alien posted 27/12/2007, 03:44
Wow , the game has much batter legs at this point than I was expecting :) Great to see that quality games are doing well :D
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rukusa posted 26/12/2007, 11:16
selling faster than Ratchet, woah.
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muffdiver11 posted 26/12/2007, 09:45
500k Sales!! Nice

it must be getting harder for X box fanboys to call it a failure as it gets closer to 1 million! Add in American and Japanese sales and it could be close to 600k.
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Bladeneo posted 26/12/2007, 09:16
So, because SMG is 'supposed' to produce a lower number its graphics are better?...mmkay.
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leo-j posted 26/12/2007, 06:19

Super mario galaxy? Are you serious?
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JSR21278 posted 24/12/2007, 05:34
Im a games developer and this game has the best graphics than any other game on this generation of consoles but the second best games graphics on the next generation console is super mario Galaxy and ive measured this by the amount of pixels that the games have been programed to produce and I think that is the farest way but if you are judging this with just eyes Drake is the clear winner!!!!
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kamil posted 21/12/2007, 08:37
@rukusa: They were lowered. Especially Americans numbers due to November NPD numbers being much lower for Uncharted than on vgchartz.
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Kyros posted 20/12/2007, 11:29
LOL gems and boogie in one sentence.
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sergiopepeu posted 20/12/2007, 09:02
1 million in next year. Certailly.
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Stats87 posted 20/12/2007, 07:12

they're too busy buying gems like Carnival Games, Boogie and Cooking Mama
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hongkongfuey^2 posted 20/12/2007, 03:57
Thank goodness for Europe or else this game wouldn't be selling well at all. I don't know why Americans don't buy this game.
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rukusa posted 19/12/2007, 10:53
wtf, the numbers now aren't accurate... jesus christ. I have this really suspicious feeling that some one consciously lowered the numbers :/.
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Kamahl posted 19/12/2007, 09:55
^you are an idiot if you think it won't make it... really, there's still a lot of time, it's gona sell about 600k before the end of the year after that i know sales will drop but in a few months it will be in 1 million, besides if im wrong and it doesnt, it will make it when its made a greatest hits game.
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Parokki posted 19/12/2007, 03:03
I doubt the sales of this game have as much to do with its legs as being launched right before the holidays. No chance for a million, sorry.
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Bladeneo posted 19/12/2007, 12:16
Hmm, thats some serious adjusted numbers; its lost a fair chunk from its American numbers.
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hongkongfuey^2 posted 18/12/2007, 03:29
430k now
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DMeisterJ posted 18/12/2007, 12:19
Actually rose in second week in others. That has to help.
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FSUsmartboi posted 17/12/2007, 10:55
This game will definitly sell a million. At the very least it will pass 500,000 by end of the year.
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rukusa posted 17/12/2007, 10:37

Its already early on showning that it has legs.

Just wait about spring/summer 08' it should pass a mill. These things take time. Same with ratchet.
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darthdevidem posted 17/12/2007, 10:26
I think this can be a 1 million + seller if it has legs...
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Zuhyc posted 17/12/2007, 10:23
Good second week for EU!
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Kyros posted 17/12/2007, 10:59
"Some Clipping just for you -"

lol you have to search for this I am now in the JetSki level and have not seen a single clipping error yet. There have been one or two occasions of screen tearing but most of the time it has the smoothest graphics you could imagine.
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Damstr8 posted 17/12/2007, 12:32
i was kinda hoping for better sales from this game....oh well,Hopefully,itll sell a million.
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fred posted 16/12/2007, 10:13

Some Clipping just for you -

Walking on water -

Disappearing arms and legs

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rukusa posted 15/12/2007, 07:58

Succesfull western games haven't had much success in Japan as of late. Some indicators show that its due to the overload of violence which just turns them off, especially since they've seen it so many times before.
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kamil posted 15/12/2007, 06:57
The game is doing good. It has a chance to be a million seller and overtake both Ratchet and Heavenly Sword. People are very fast to say that a PS3 game bombed but is should be at around 0.5 mln next week (in PAL games don't drop that much in second week) and will be selling good after holidays.

You are right about Lair. It was a lost of money. I don't know about Folklore - not every game needs to be big, you don't know how much Folklore costed and what was it's publisher expectations.
Hev. Sw. is a succesful title, it sold 0.62 mln so it broke even and still will be selling, maybe it will break 1 mil. HSG5 is at 0.4 mln and is yet to be released outside Japan. Ratchet also sells not that bad.
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yamasan156 posted 15/12/2007, 06:50
I'm sad that Uncharted wasn't sold well last week in Japan.
this game is awesome. beautiful.

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Kyros posted 15/12/2007, 03:33
"Glitches(Clipping) in the graphic"

Glitches? I played the first two levels and had no problems everything was smooth as hell. The only problem was that after running around with Altair in Assassin's Drake's movement is a bit wooden. (Also Altair is so much cooler) Great beautiful game nontheless.
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fred posted 15/12/2007, 08:58
This game is no 10 or even 9 it has good points and as many bad points and
Glitches(Clipping) in the graphics won't of helped it's sales if they didn't fix them before the Japan launch.
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rukusa posted 14/12/2007, 09:55
OkeyDokey, thats way too early to predict a bomb. Personally if Uncharted doesn't at least cross the 1 million mark, then its qualified as a failure. especially since it made by ND. And their games deserve to sell.

Im more suprised about Heavenly Sword, I didnt expect it to cross over 500.000 copies sold. If it reaches 1 million I will be fucking numb struck.

Hot shots hasn't even reached western shores, in Japan it did 400.000 alone. thats very good.

Ratchet will get there eventually, but not as fast as Uncharted I'd say.

Lair & Folklore are bombs in my book though. Not sad about Lair but Folklore could've done better.
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Kyros posted 14/12/2007, 06:48
bombed big time? 400k and sales remaining strong doesn't sound like bombed to me. Making good new games is different from milking the same old franchise for the tenth time.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 14/12/2007, 12:49
sony must be happy that that the vast majority of games they publish for the ps3 aren't making a cent of profit.
warhawk, lair, heavenly sword, ratchet, hot shots golf 5, folklore and uncharted all bombed big time.
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Squire posted 13/12/2007, 11:35
Someone must be blind. stop mixing colours that don't match! pink and black, green and black, white and yellow, red and green. This hurts our eyes!
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Daddo Splat posted 13/12/2007, 04:40
I buy tons of games and trade them but lately with the onslaught of aaa titles and owning all three nex gen consoles Iam now with gamefly beat heavenly sword waiting for this game its in my gameQ. one thing on sales I know for a fact not every person who buys a PS3 use's it for gaming my daughters friend family got one strictly for bluray movies so say 6 million sold maybe alot of those are being used as movie players! just a thought cause when you drop 4-6 hundred on a game sysem a $60 game shouldnt kill you Iam mean the 360 sells games or are achievments really that much of a factor! price drop better games more sales MGS4 were are you. PS Ill comment on this game latter the demo was great!
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boilermaker11 posted 13/12/2007, 02:32
This game has probably done better in the US since its' inception because, as many people skeptical of the PS3 do, see that the wall of games is relatively smaller than the 360, yet they see this game and it stands out. They research the game, see how good it is, and go buy it. And of course Europe was going to eat it up, because this kind of game is right up there ally, along with racing games.

Just my take on things
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rickytan posted 12/12/2007, 09:57
@ Leo-j

3rd Exclusive and 5th overall!!
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kamil posted 12/12/2007, 07:06
@Stats: Imo 650k or more.
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Stats87 posted 12/12/2007, 06:35
Looks like it will reach 500k Worldwide by the end of 2007
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Stats87 posted 12/12/2007, 06:32
Looks like it will reach 500k Worldwide by the end of 2007
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leo-j posted 12/12/2007, 03:47
Im extreemly impressed, this may be the 3rd exclusive that sells 1 million on the ps3.
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-jonkabira- posted 11/12/2007, 04:52
I'm shocked wow well Uncharted has done here in Europe in only 2 days (out 5 december).....
I 'm going on not to understand why American PS3 owners don't buy great games like Unchy or R&C, i suspect Bill Gates bought every American PS3 :D
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Squall_Leonhart posted 11/12/2007, 12:06
Nice debut for the game in the EU anyway, since this was based on 2 days worth of sales and it managed to make it into the top 10 i think it has done a great job! :D
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rukusa posted 11/12/2007, 09:53
People are ridiculous if they think 112.000 copies sold on the opening week is bad. Its quite decent, and its not been out for too long.

Uncharted will definitely reach 1 million long term :).
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rickytan posted 11/12/2007, 03:21
Wow i gotta hand it to europe! 112,000 copies of uncharted sold! nice job
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Kamahl posted 11/12/2007, 02:14
Pretty good sales for the first week in europe, specially considering the fact that its only counting 2 days of sales.
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Munkeh111 posted 10/12/2007, 07:57
@ Squall, I didn't do too well in the UK charts, but I hope it does well
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Munkeh111 posted 10/12/2007, 07:57
@ Squall, I didn't do too well in the UK charts, but I hope it does well
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rickytan posted 09/12/2007, 09:26
I'll give it a 9 based on the demo alone, I'm getting it for Christmas though.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 09/12/2007, 08:10
The numbers sold for this game are not justified as it is easily amoungst the best games of 2007, THE best on the PS3 so far imo! The game was released in the EU on the 7th so hopefully the sales of the game will be nice and high :D
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swordplay posted 09/12/2007, 01:25
I'll be getting this for christmas! I'll give it a 10/10 because the graphics look awesome.
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Munkeh111 posted 08/12/2007, 09:07
erikguy; did you not think that what happened in chapter 17 could be considered a twist?
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Stats87 posted 08/12/2007, 06:08
I wonder what sales in Europe will be like, I think they'll be very good. It may be a stretch, but I could see this game getting 500k Worldwide by the end of 2007,(at least 400k) i just have this hunch that this game will do very well in Europe.
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CrazzyMan posted 08/12/2007, 12:15
Oh, come on, since when 2nd week sales, outsell first by 2?
it was limited sales, so first week sales should be around 120k.

And game itself is almost perfect 10.

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erikguy posted 07/12/2007, 09:58
what twist? I just beat the game today and have no idea what twist people are talking about. pretty good game tho.
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Agnostic posted 07/12/2007, 01:13
If you play games, play Uncharted.
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thelulaby posted 06/12/2007, 06:33
The PS3 has had its share of fantastic games this year, this one has become one of my favourites pretty quickly!!
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ALLDAY89 posted 06/12/2007, 04:57
This game is Sick!! im finna beat it on Crushing to unlock infinite ammo, i have to get a few more treatures and more rewards
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Heavenly_King posted 06/12/2007, 03:54
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Kamahl posted 06/12/2007, 03:22
6.80? fucking haters.

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EHSTEVE posted 06/12/2007, 12:35
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damandan05 posted 04/12/2007, 03:56
No one in their right mind that has played this game would give it a 6.71 jesus!!! This site is sad... walks away....
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Heavenly_King posted 04/12/2007, 12:59
This game is Amazing!!!!! I think every PS3 owners MUST buy this one!!!
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Munkeh111 posted 03/12/2007, 11:07
On most websites, the user review score matches the score on that website. However, since this site has so many different fanboys, everyone will come and just ruin the ratings for their hated system's games.
Anyway, what do people think of the twist?
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outlawauron posted 03/12/2007, 05:01
of all games that leo-j buys .... he skips this one ......

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MontanaHatchet posted 02/12/2007, 04:44
Yes Onna, just look at the Starcraft score.

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*~Onna76~* posted 02/12/2007, 02:25
Which idiots give this game such a low score? This game rankings system really SUCKS!
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Zuhyc posted 01/12/2007, 08:29
To bad this game gets released at the beginning of my exams, I'll have to buy it a few weeks later.
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Bladeneo posted 29/11/2007, 12:14
130K in 1 week is good, especially considering its america. I imagine it'll be quite popular in "others", especially considering its released around the second week of december. I've already got mine pre-ordered, cant wait.
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ssj12 posted 29/11/2007, 06:43
130k for 1 week of sales is pretty good. Chill out kids.
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grandmaster192 posted 29/11/2007, 06:40
Don't be stupid, Omnimusha. No one actually cares if the game is exclusive or not. A game is a game.
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rukusa posted 28/11/2007, 09:02
Man, I cant wait till this reaches the shores of Denmark ;(. Want NOW.
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EHSTEVE posted 28/11/2007, 03:13
Incredible graphics!
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Munkeh111 posted 27/11/2007, 10:40
I have this game, but this is not my right user acount, so I haven't added it as I have no idea of my password for my real one
I'm on chapter 6 (I heard there were 23?) after about 2.5 hours, which assuming it is 1 quater through, is quite a good length. It has a good story, good gameplay, great graphics, and it is fun to play and very addictive, I look forwards to finishing the game this week.
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fazz posted 26/11/2007, 10:20
I'm kinda suprised at how so few people have this game (from the site)... despite getting a lot of praise from them.
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leo-j posted 26/11/2007, 02:03

The game is better than most of the games that released this year, and it has the best graphics off any console game.
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miketuck3r posted 25/11/2007, 11:32
Its a good game not a great one it borrows from other games doent really do anything new gameplay wise
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Havok21 posted 24/11/2007, 07:17
Those numbers arent a dissapointment. The official release date was on the 19th, teh following week. Gamestop and a few ohter stores started selling it early on Friday but that was NOT advertised. Only way to know about that was to randomly walk into the store and see it or read about it online or from someone else.
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nodirt posted 22/11/2007, 03:14
So beautiful game ever in 2007 (every next gen includes)
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Kamahl posted 22/11/2007, 02:55
release date was 19th, that's monday... those sales are from stores that released it early so i expect next week sales to be higher.
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Duckaluck posted 22/11/2007, 02:36
WOW, finished the game. IGN was right, this game has a weird twist near the end. Crazy.
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Munkeh111 posted 21/11/2007, 11:17
For god's sake, that just pisses me off, everyone knows it is a great game. People should be banned for giving games like this 1s, they cannot truly beleive it. Anyway, it should have good sales next week when it is launched outside of gamespot.
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leo-j posted 21/11/2007, 09:45
Its already dying in the score.
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MontanaHatchet posted 21/11/2007, 07:02
Doesn't it look hot?!

You can thank me lat-I mean, right now!
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Musiol posted 21/11/2007, 03:27
40k on first day of the sales that's great number. I hope that, Uncharted will sell many PS3.
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hunter_alien posted 21/11/2007, 05:21
Not so great sales than I was expecting ... it only had one day ... true , but still , I was expecting at least to pass the 80k first week ... interestingly , Assasins Creed had a great opening week on the PS3 :D
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Total Sales

Opinion (1036)

1 n/a 25,683 n/a 4,532 30,215
2 n/a 43,225 n/a 7,628 50,853
3 n/a 33,476 n/a 5,908 39,384
4 16,494 35,176 67,714 30,261 149,645
5 9,764 35,877 88,089 37,388 171,118
6 7,441 39,103 102,946 43,123 192,613
7 6,153 26,595 66,673 28,180 127,601
8 7,002 18,074 42,559 18,226 85,861
9 2,883 12,883 37,439 15,433 68,638
10 2,313 10,974 31,127 12,880 57,294
paulrage2 posted 05/02/2018, 09:30
The game is near of 5 million physical copies on PlayStation 3.
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Tridrakious posted 20/12/2012, 02:44
I wonder what is next for the Uncharted franchise. Could there really be a Kart racer in the future? There is a card game now after all.
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Ganoncrotch posted 14/12/2012, 09:23
this game was always heralded as the best reason to get a launch ps3 it still holds up and looks great now even, how you can say no one cared about this franchise til it's sequel I just don't get how you could think that.
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oniyide posted 14/12/2012, 05:58
dont know y anyone was answering tontus, he clearly doesnt know what the hell he is talking about, as Uncharted 2 and 3, especially 3 were not heavily bundled. The game is popular deal with it.
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 05:02
People at first did not care about this game until uncharted 2. NOW PS3 LOVERS LOVE THIS FRANCHISE. 😱
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think-man posted 11/12/2012, 01:26
@Tontus I dont agree, I hope they keep making uncharted is an awesome franchise that sony and ND should keep supporting.
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