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Alternative Names

DS グランド・セフト・オート チャイナタウンウォーズ


Rockstar Leeds/North



Other Versions


Release Dates

03/17/09 Rockstar Games
10/29/09 CyberFront
03/20/09 Rockstar Games

Community Stats

Owners: 298
Favorite: 11
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:


Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS) > Opinions (333)

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Gilgamesh posted 26/03/2009, 10:36
Expected sales
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Myviewing posted 26/03/2009, 10:34
Hm, not as big of an opening as I thought it would be. Ah well, it'll at least hit 5 million someday. I'll be gettting this sometime after Moon.
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thanny posted 26/03/2009, 10:00
im amazed with the effort that went into this game.
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Riot Of The Blood posted 26/03/2009, 09:43
This game actually looks good.

I might pick up GTAIV since it's so cheap.
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supermario128 posted 25/03/2009, 04:50
I'll get it soon!
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puffy posted 25/03/2009, 01:48
For those of you with a DS, are old enough and like good games, this is easily the best game I've played on my DS.

Do yourself a favour and buy it!
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mandisc posted 24/03/2009, 05:29
This is amazing. Simple really. Buy this!
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Derixs posted 24/03/2009, 05:10
have played this game everyday since release day. Yes drug dealing for money is very addiciting. I no longer purchase to re-sale I just rob vans... still need to do a warehouse raid.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 24/03/2009, 03:34
i kinda want it now, but i cant afford it yet =/

never thought id want a gta game
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ArtofAngels posted 24/03/2009, 09:46
Love this game, although I don't play it to much thanks to the glory that is Dragon Quest V.
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SaviorX posted 24/03/2009, 01:30

This game whooped my expectations, and this is in Others only?....
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Man posted 24/03/2009, 12:58
Im enjoying it better than GTA4. Im addicted to the drug dealing...

I went out and bought 2 used games (king kong, and an imagine game) for $10 each, and traded them to get it free. It was selling new for $49, so im quite pleased.
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CONMAN15 posted 24/03/2009, 12:55
Loving this game, and thats a nice opening in others. Hoping for big NA sales.
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Chrizum posted 23/03/2009, 10:46
LOL what are you talking about? This is an excellent start. It should become a million seller in Others alone easily within a year, probably less.
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drakesfortune posted 23/03/2009, 10:41
Not a great start in Europe...
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 23/03/2009, 10:33
this number is for the first 2 days!

nice, it will have very long legs
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intro94 posted 23/03/2009, 05:47
since all sorts of people own a DS(even lots of psp owners)-DS market for this genre is quite large as it is, and the sales will at very very least reach a million within a year.Im sure of it.
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DarkNight_DS posted 22/03/2009, 04:33
Why can't I add my game code for this game on this site?
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I like Bacon posted 21/03/2009, 07:18
Those 2 games are awesome! How dare you trade in my Foxxy! But this game is amazing! lol

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puffy posted 21/03/2009, 02:37
Traded in Starfox Command and Mario 64 DS for this today..

I can tell you all that it was WELL worth it!
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mandisc posted 19/03/2009, 11:37
I'm totally hooked on this. Picked it up along with Madworld but can't seem to put this down
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DiplomaticImmunity posted 19/03/2009, 10:46
damn 1% if 1 million
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BoneArk posted 19/03/2009, 04:05
If 1% of ds owners buy this game it will be a million seller, that is insane.
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CONMAN15 posted 18/03/2009, 04:16
This game kicks ass, to be honest. I'm really enjoying it.
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DarkNight_DS posted 18/03/2009, 05:54
I'm 11% done already ;) Picked it up from blockbuster (was surprised they were selling copies today in Canada). Liking what I've played so far. The drug trade game seems to be the most fun so far.
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Man posted 18/03/2009, 02:19
I think this could be a huge system seller. I mean, it sells 400,000 a week, but with little to no games like this currently on the DS, these people are certainly not buying the DS for violent, profane games.

Many people into this sort of game might not have a DS, and with such great reviews, a lot of them might decide to finally get one.
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mandisc posted 16/03/2009, 08:24
Getting some sweet reviews in the run up to launch. Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) gave 94% and IGN slapping down 9.2
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megaman79 posted 14/03/2009, 09:11
@AJM Ruler, i dk man, Arn't RPG's core games? I know what your saying about ratings but that is irrelivent when there are so many G and PG games that sell to mature/core audiences.
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BoneArk posted 21/02/2009, 05:39
I saw a commercial of this game last night while I was watchin Conan O'Brien's last show.
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NintendoMan posted 18/01/2009, 06:00
I would say that given the GTA name and the DS's massive install base it should hit 2 million ww at least. Maybe as high as 4 million or more depending on how well its marketed, how good the game is and what competition it faces.
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robond posted 24/12/2008, 04:39
I´ve got the preorder for this game.
GTA rules!
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terry_tibbs posted 17/12/2008, 08:34
this game does look good for the ds.
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AJM Ruler posted 01/12/2008, 11:54
Could this be a million seller for the DS? Or will the market not accept this?

The best selling Mature-rated DS title is RE: DS which sold about 200K worldwide. Pretty good considering that was a port of a then 10-year old game.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (333)

1 n/a 54,965 39,488 16,128 110,581
2 n/a 30,252 32,959 10,704 73,915
3 n/a 23,954 30,668 9,219 63,841
4 n/a 30,757 20,829 8,819 60,405
5 n/a 21,251 21,439 7,240 49,930
6 n/a 16,498 13,581 5,122 35,201
7 n/a 13,899 13,541 4,657 32,097
8 n/a 11,863 10,709 3,836 26,408
9 n/a 10,302 8,812 3,253 22,367
10 n/a 10,008 8,312 3,119 21,439
drake_tolu posted 17/05/2014, 02:35
Not bad 1,300,000 for one GTA for DS... i think if GTA coming in Home Console Nintendo will sold much. :(
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Venox2008 posted 23/11/2011, 05:16
great game, believe me or not, but I enjoyed this one more than GTA IV, which was boring to me..
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Fededx posted 27/02/2011, 02:20
It's a great game, sales deserved!
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 27/02/2011, 09:07
game was awesome, and for it's graphics limitation and big diffrence with best selling GTA games, it did good
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TheConduit posted 11/02/2011, 12:12
WOW over one million for the DS not bad
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IxisNaugus posted 22/05/2010, 09:15
Ya now these price drops people keep bringing up. Well I still see this game at full price at my local GAME and Gamesation. Yea...
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