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Alternative Names

Gal Guardians: Demon Purge


Inti Creates



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PC, PS4, PS5, XOne, XS

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"School of hard knockbacks."

By Evan Norris 11th Mar 2023 | 3,654 views 
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Gal Guardians is a 2D action game centered around two demon hunters who return to their school after a mission only to find a demonic castle where it once stood. Conquer the castle and solve the mystery of what happened to their school!

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Boxart Added Veknoid_Outcast 09th Mar 2023
Game Summary added to Database Veknoid_Outcast 09th Mar 2023
Game Information Updated Veknoid_Outcast 09th Mar 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 02nd Jan 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 02nd Jan 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 02nd Jan 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 02nd Jan 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 02nd Jan 2023
Game Summary added to Database Machina 02nd Jan 2023
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 06th Aug 2022
Boxart Added Machina 06th Aug 2022
Boxart Added Machina 06th Aug 2022
Game Added to Database Veknoid_Outcast 05th Aug 2022

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