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Her Interactive



Release Dates

11/09/02 DreamCatcher Interactive
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You, as Nancy Drew, must pick up the cold trail left by a sinister character from long ago in this intriguing 3-D interactive mystery. Decipher cryptic puzzles, search through shadowy woods, creepy old houses, interview suspicious characters, and dodge danger to sniff out the truth behind local legends and solve the mystery of the Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake.

A friend’s frantic note sends Nancy on the trail of a mysterious pack of dogs, whose glowing eyes and mournful howls threaten to chase her and her friend away forever. Locals say that the dogs have come back from the grave to protect the secrets of their master, who died long ago and was buried next to his beloved dogs.

Players, as Nancy Drew, must use their detective skills to track the history of Mike Malone, the notorious gangster who once lived in the lakeside cabin recently purchased by Nancy’s friend. Are the ghostly legends true, or is there a flesh and blood answer to the dogs’ haunting howls? To solve the case Nancy ventures into the deep, dark woods surrounding the lake. Like a bird dog hot on a scent, she hunts down the history of Moon Lake and its residents in search of clues. Along the way she meets a variety of fascinating characters, all with something to hide.

--Her Interactive 

Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database Blaiyan 07th Jun 2008
Game Summary added to Database Blaiyan 07th Jun 2008
Box Art Added Blaiyan 07th Jun 2008
Game Added to Database Blaiyan 07th Jun 2008

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