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Alternative Names

Uncharted: Ougontou to Kieta Sendan

アンチャーテッド 黄金刀と消えた船団


Naughty Dog



Release Dates

10/13/09 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/15/09 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/16/09 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 2,386
Favorite: 348
Tracked: 66
Wishlist: 25
Now Playing: 100

Avg Community Rating:


"Admit it, you're gonna miss this ass."

By Craig S 21st Oct 2009 | 22,382 views 
Read full review 


"...the best single-player experience I have every played" - Adam Sessler, G4TV

" of the best titles of this console generation.“ - IGN

"This is one of the best games of all time.“ - PlayStation the Official Magazine

Fortune hunter Nathan Drake returns in UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves™, a pulse-pounding third-person action-adventure/shooter created by award-winning developer Naughty Dog. Down on his luck, Drake is lured back into the treacherous world of thieves and mercenary treasure-seekers he had sought to leave behind. When a mysterious artifact propels Drake on an expedition to find the legendary Himalayan valley of Shambhala, he finds himself embroiled in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse against a fugitive war criminal who’s after more than just the fabled riches of the lost city. Caught in a web of deception and plunged into an increasingly deadly pursuit that tests the limits of his endurance, Drake will be forced to risk everything – but has his luck finally run out?




  • An expanded cast of characters who reflect different facets of Drake’s character, including Chloe Frazer, Drake’s current partner and new romantic interest.
  • Varied and exotic locations – from lush, green swamps and dense urban environments, all the way to the ice and snow of the Himalayas.
  • Unrestricted combat allows you to take an aggressive or stealthy approach to combat.
  • Free-flowing "traversal gunplay" adds a unique vertical element to familiar cover-based third-person shooting mechanics, allowing you to engage in combat from any position in the environment – even while climbing and hanging.
  • Introduction of new traversal and free-climbing mechanics allow Drake to navigate through the environments more fluidly and naturally.
  • Gunplay and combat enhancements, including an expanded melee system, and a variety of enemy types with advanced AI routines. High-quality cinematic presentation of scenes, characters and dialogue, all rendered within the Naughty Dog Engine 2.0.
  • Dramatic in-game events that make you an active participant in the cinematic experience.
  • Full character interaction with dynamic geometry.
  • Utilizes Naughty Dog Engine 2.0 purpose-built for the PlayStation 3; utilizes the PS3 technology to hit a turning point in technology innovation by recreating reality and capturing human emotion.
  • No visible loading – a Naughty Dog hallmark – returns along with technology improvements in major game systems such as lighting, shadows, ambient occlusion, animation technology and physics, among many others.




  • Robust party system allows you to remain with your friends in matchmaking and custom matches.
  • Custom matches allow you to customize maps and modes which your party wishes to play.
  • Currency gained in multiplayer matches can be combined with currency gained in single player missions to unlock additional content and upgrades.
  • Character animations and environments taken from single player campaign maintain visual fidelity with no degradation.
  • Gameplay and character mechanics identical from the single-player campaign, ensuring user familiarity and same level of quality.
  • Headset support.
  • Proprietary Naughty Dog Engine 2.0 network code captures a broad range of gameplay data for statistics reporting on the web and for functionality like Cinema, which allows players to watch replays of matches.
  • Cutting edge technology such as cloud-based computing allows for scalable online infrastructure to provide optimal player experience.

Competitive Multiplayer

  • Competitive multiplayer gameplay includes up to 10 players in heroes-versus-villains matches.
  • Deathmatch: Up to 5 vs. 5 with customizable or pre-set game modes.
  • Plunder: Unique style of multiplayer that encourages team work to transport a treasure across terrain horizontally and vertically over obstacles.
  • Player boosters give you a variety of options to customize your characters to your play style or to provide an advantage over opponents.

Co-op Multiplayer

  • Up to three players work together in cooperative modes to accomplish set objectives with increasing difficulty and against special enemy characters.
  • Combo system encourages further teamwork to increase a point total and currency multiplier.
  • Weapon upgrades let you customize your weapons to your play style or provide an advantage over opponents.

Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Game Banner Added to Database Machina 11th Dec 2024
Boxart Added oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Game Extras Added to Database oliist 20th Mar 2010
Screenshots Added Blaiyan 07th Feb 2010

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (1227)

1 54,193 355,139 296,558 170,199 876,089
2 17,957 121,888 140,050 71,674 351,569
3 11,071 72,056 88,596 44,388 216,111
4 5,061 43,597 46,739 24,461 119,858
5 3,874 39,448 47,835 24,047 115,204
6 3,150 39,087 36,391 20,005 98,633
7 2,871 73,621 46,780 30,104 153,376
8 2,502 50,262 55,005 28,555 136,324
9 2,651 71,117 57,961 33,506 165,235
10 2,929 79,847 68,142 38,682 189,600
enditall727 posted 29/04/2013, 09:19
This is going to reach Crash Bandicoot status sales when it is all said and done.

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Deyon posted 08/03/2013, 06:50
Fantastic numbers ^_^
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hamo0odi90 posted 06/03/2013, 12:44
BEST GAME EVER , 6.11 M is unfair
it should be at least 15 M
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Magnus86 posted 29/01/2013, 01:01
Awesome legs!
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Aldro posted 09/01/2013, 02:46
6M Jesus christ, Go charted
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Wander_ posted 06/01/2013, 08:05
Awesome numbers but sadly it will never pass gears 2:(
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