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Frictional Games



Release Dates

08/27/08 Paradox Interactive
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Penumbra: Requiem is an expansion for the horror game Penumbra: Black Plague and takes off where the last game ended. Requiem sees Philip, the game protagonist, falling deeper into madness and has to fight inner demons as well as outer ones.


Requiem takes the player on a journey filled with psychological horror, tense atmosphere and unspeakable things constantly lurking in the darkness. The player will have to figure out what is real and what is not, the correct decision meaning the difference between life and death.

Will you be able to help Philip find his way through this nightmare? Are you ready for the dark encounters that await?

The Game

Penumbra: Requiem is to be considered an epilogue to Penumbra: Black Plague and not as a new episode in the Penumbra series. The main goal with Penumbra: Requiem has been to focus more on the physics puzzles and to see how far the current game engine could be pushed. This has made Requiem into a game that focuses more on gameplay and puzzles than the previous Penumbra instalments and a game that is more experimental in nature.


Although having a strong emphasis on puzzles the game still features a dense atmosphere, a trade mark of the Penumbra series. In Penumbra: Overture the goal was to induce strong fears from isolation, in Black Plague a main theme was paranoia and in Requiem you'll find a nightmarish and feverish atmosphere.

Penumbra: Requiem is an attempt to deliver a fresh and rewarding experience and not just some rehash of previous material.

Source: official site

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Boxart Added oliist 13th Mar 2009
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Release Date Added to Database oliist 13th Mar 2009
Game Added to Database salaminizer 13th Mar 2009

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