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Sumo Digital



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06/02/10 SUMO interactive

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From the official press release:


The Doctor and Amy are about to face off against the Daleks in their most terrifying encounter yet - but this time the only person who can save them is you. 'City of the Daleks', the first episode of the Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, is available to download for PC now from the BBC Doctor Who website for free. The Mac version will follow on June 15th 2010.

'City of the Daleks' sees the TARDIS materialize in 1963 as the Doctor takes to Amy to London to meet The Beatles. However, the London they encounter is very different to the one they expected: a ravaged Trafalgar Square reveals a new Dalek threat, and one which has wiped out virtually every human in existence. Amy's existence in this alternate world jeopardises everything, forcing the Doctor not just to defeat the Daleks' latest plan, but save his new companion from slipping out of time itself...

"Matt Smith has been brilliant as the Doctor, but now it's your turn," says Steve Moffat, head writer and executive producer, Doctor Who. "We've got a cracking story which takes players on a journey to places they've only ever dreamed of, in an adventure which threatens to see Amy slip out of time itself. If you find the Daleks scary on TV, let me tell you they're even more terrifying when they're coming after you."

'City of the Daleks' has been designed for the entire family to play. Offering a heady mix of puzzle-solving, action and adventure, it's an episode of Doctor Who that you control - with players of all ages and gaming ability able to enjoy the ride.

"Players get to use the Sonic Screwdriver themselves, which is pretty cool" adds Steven Moffat, "and jump between different times. Plus, you'll meet one of the most evil creations in the whole of time and space. So whilst it's fun, it's also scary - exactly as an episode of Doctor Who should be."

The Doctor Who: The Adventure Games have been designed to offer players the chance to be the Doctor in four original episodes, in unique adventures which form part of this year's TV series.

Episode one 'City of the Daleks' is available for free as a download for PC from the BBC Doctor Who website. The Mac version will follow on June 15th 2010.

Details of the second episode will be announced soon.

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games has been produced by a team drawing on the very best talent from TV and gaming. The interactive episodes are executive produced by Steven Moffat, Piers Wenger, Beth Willis and Anwen Aspden (BBC Wales Interactive), alongside Charles Cecil, one of videogaming's most revered creators. The games are being developed by Sumo Digital, one of the UK's best game designers. Stories and scripts are from Phil Ford and James Moran (Severance, Torchwood Children of Earth). The project has been commissioned for BBC Online by the Vision Multiplatform team, headed up by Simon Nelson, and is being driven by BBC Wales Interactive.

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