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Alternative Names

Wii de Asobu Pikmin

Wiiであそぶ ピクミン


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

03/09/09 Nintendo
12/25/08 Nintendo
02/06/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 174
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (42)

1 44,423 n/a n/a 44,423
2 49,938 n/a n/a 49,938
3 16,177 n/a n/a 16,177
4 5,723 n/a n/a 5,723
5 3,989 n/a n/a 3,989
6 3,712 n/a n/a 3,712
7 3,061 n/a 4,605 77 7,743
8 2,817 n/a 6,541 94 9,452
9 2,166 n/a 5,767 79 8,012
10 1,582 n/a 5,088 67 6,737
Buzzi posted 22/05/2010, 02:16
You're right, casual Wii gamers care a lot of who made the game. My cousins bought Moto GP 08, which they sold after 3 weeks...and now they buy only Nintendo games. Pikmin for what I know is a good game, and being a Nintendo game helped pushing its sales. I'm sure if No More Heroes was made by Nintendo (and marketed too) it would have reahed 1m (the first one).
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killeryoshis posted 25/04/2010, 01:32
People must look at the box and try to find a nintendo logo. To see if its worth buying because how can this sell so well. Its a port of a game that did better than any 3rd party game that the interwebs cares about. It outsold no more heros! Nintendo must have a big brand name or they did somthing right
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jeffrey9999 posted 18/04/2010, 10:59
best nintendo franchise ever made, I got this for 10$ at sears appliance store and I owned a gamecube and never played a pikmin game until that day, since then I beat it 3times and I got the 2nd one yesterday at gamestop used for 40$ on gamecube since the 2nd one never came to america on wii and thats 10 shy of what the game cost new back when it came out in 2004 "expensive" but so far I really think it was worth it not to mention the trouble I had with my car on the way and I also had to call every gamestop I new of and then I had to get a gamecube controller and memory card at some other store............. pikmin 1&2 in my opinion are not only the best nintendo games made but I also think they should be in the top 10 games of all time not to mention my 1&2 best games I've ever played, can't wait for pikmin 3 and I hope it has some small side story to bring back the 30day timer and I hope it has a main story without it like pikmin 2 but you have to have them both because they are completly different games because of it "find them and buy them" and if you give each of them an hour or 2 then you'll add them to your permanent collection of games you'd never sell..............
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 19/01/2010, 04:38

good sales, same for Pikmin 2 (if you think it's not even out in America)

i guess Pikmin 3 will sell over 2m
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BigGumby posted 10/01/2010, 06:54
yes! Great sales for a remakes, I wish Pikmin 2 would come to America on Wii. Let's get more Pikmin fans! :D
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Green Penguin posted 23/12/2009, 04:14
400K! That is 25% of what the G.C game did. That is decent for a NPC game that has nothing to do wit Mario.
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