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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

MotorStorm 3



Evolution Studios



Release Dates

05/03/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/31/11 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 81
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (73)

1 n/a n/a 15,410 5,137 20,547
2 n/a n/a 9,283 3,094 12,377
3 n/a n/a 9,613 3,204 12,817
4 n/a n/a 8,973 2,991 11,964
5 n/a n/a 3,764 1,255 5,019
6 n/a 14,990 2,122 2,947 20,059
7 n/a 4,759 2,076 1,403 8,238
8 n/a 5,599 2,235 1,582 9,416
9 n/a 5,419 3,111 1,847 10,377
10 n/a 4,480 3,338 1,782 9,600
Mr Puggsly posted 03/03/2016, 11:37
I've been looking through my large collection PS3 downloads, this game was on it so I decided to give it a go. As far as arcade style racing titles go, this is a fun game.

Its funny, there was a lot of drama surrounding this game because of things going on in Japan, delays, etc. People were looking for excuses why it flopped. I think what it comes down to is there isn't a big audience for these style of games.

I'd kinda like to see this series get PS4 ports because they would really benefit from 60 fps. If they make a new release I hope 60 fps is a focus.
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think-man posted 26/05/2014, 02:46
Shame this bombed, I thought it was the best in the series.
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DamnTastic posted 06/07/2013, 09:45
How can that earthquake have something to do with the low sales? It isn't even released in Japan. Also the other motorstorm sold not that much in japan. It's just a bad game. probably because all the 'talent' is working on driveclub
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aceospades posted 13/03/2013, 02:54
this was release around the time the large earthquake happened in Japan. Maybe that has something to do with the low sales. Its a shame because its the best in the series
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DamnTastic posted 22/01/2013, 09:44
I enjoyed motorstorm: pacific rift more, but this is still a decent game.
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Kresnik posted 11/11/2012, 02:05
My favourite Motorstorm. Rubbing banding was tuned down, the environments were interesting and diverse, the air cooling system was a vast improvement and the graphics were beautiful. A shame to see it sell like this.
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