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Nintendo Reportedly Planning to Increase Switch Production

Nintendo Reportedly Planning to Increase Switch Production - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 20 January 2023 / 5,785 Views

Nintendo is reportedly planning to increase the production of the Nintendo Switch to meet demand, according to Bloomberg.

Nintendo in November 2022 announced it had lowered its forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, from 21.0 million units for the Nintendo Switch down to 19 million.

The report says that with continued strong consumer demand and shortages being less of an issue has encouraged Nintendo to increase production for its next fiscal year, which starts on April 1, 2023.

Nintendo Reportedly Planning to Increase Switch Production

The Nintendo Switch has sold over an estimated 120 million units worldwide, according to the latest VGChartz estimates. The Switch was the best-selling console in the US, Europe, and Japan in 2022.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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CaptainExplosion (on 20 January 2023)

Seems they're not ready to do a Switch 2. Eh, I don't mind.

  • +16
nintendocentral (on 20 January 2023)

Believe it or not, this situation has happened before but much more extremely with the Game Boy. The Game Boy Color racked up Game Boy sales so much it peaked in its 10th year.

  • +13
LivncA_Dis3 (on 20 January 2023)

Well they are still selling like hotcakes so iz a no brainer

  • +11
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nintendocentral (on 20 January 2023)

Another 20+ million year in 2023, I wonder how far the Switch will sell off 170 Million units assuming this is true and the Switch successor releases in mid - late 2025.

  • +10
Chicho nintendocentral (on 20 January 2023)

I remember Someone joked it will sell 200 millions. If Nintendo is really increasing production is not so funny now.

  • +15
nintendocentral Chicho (on 21 January 2023)

200 million still seems pretty unlikely however I wouldn’t mind seeing a Switch vs. PS3 + X360 comparison or Switch vs. PS4 + XOne comparison as they both sold about 170 Million which seems possible but still fairly unlikely.

  • +4
Garrus nintendocentral (on 21 January 2023)

it just sold 4 million less in 2022 than in 2021, you think it will sell more in 2023?

  • -4
nintendocentral Garrus (on 21 January 2023)

Assuming this report is true, yes. There is definitely still a market for the Switch to compete in and if accompanied by a new model and / or a price cut, the demand will be there for the Switch to sell over 20 million units.

  • +4
Garrus nintendocentral (on 22 January 2023)

This report is not true. It never made any sense. They had a 20 percent drop last year in sales. Why would they plan for it to go up?

Nintendo Prime
All they said wasn't that they will make more overall switches next fiscal year, but that they are starting the fiscal year making a lot - did we forget Tears of the Kingdom drops in May? They are just prepping for high demand early. I bet their yearly forecast is below current.

obviously people are weirdly misquoting the original Japanese author, weird that the entire NINTENDO internet starts repeating the same nonsense at the same time, got to get those clicks

  • -4
Garrus nintendocentral (on 22 January 2023)

sorry I don't know why vgchartz is messing up my formatting, I guess the copy paste did it. outside of pokemon when has a console ever increased against after collapsing? never

  • -2
Kakadu18 Garrus (on 22 January 2023)

The 3DS sold more in the fiscal year ending 2017 than in the previous.

  • +1
ArtX (on 20 January 2023)

Zelda demand

  • +9
nintendocentral ArtX (on 20 January 2023)

Yep, however I don’t think a new Zelda themed Switch will bring many new buyers as Breath of the Wild is already on the Switch and considering its massive success I doubt it’s equal will bring many new fans.

  • 0
Amnesia nintendocentral (on 20 January 2023)

I will probably be one of them, I had a Wii U to play the first one, no other game attracts me on the Switch. With the sequel I may not resit anymore and buy a Switch

  • +11
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Kakadu18 Garrus (on 21 January 2023)

Where the Fuck does a Switch with a game and an extra controller cost over $500?
And who are you to tell people how they should spend their money and when they should buy what console? If he wants to play TotK day one he needs a Switch. And you're trying to shit on him and tell him to wait god knows how long until the Switch 2 releases. People like you are a taint on society.

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siebensus4 Garrus (on 21 January 2023)

If you buy a Switch, you have basically 2 controllers included. They are called Joy-Cons. :D The Mario Kart bundle was available for 299 $.

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eddy7eddy Garrus (on 21 January 2023)

You can even get a Switch Lite ($200) and TotK ($60) and play it anywhere.

  • +2
Kakadu18 Garrus (on 21 January 2023)

Do you like to lie? The Switch with one game is more expensive than a PS5 bundle? Quit trolling! A Switch OLED is $350 and TotK is $60.
The PS5 GoW Ragnarök bundle is $560 in Amazon US right now.
Are you capable of doing simple math, troll?
Nobody needs to buy two controllers with the Switch.

  • +3
Garrus Kakadu18 (on 21 January 2023)

You can't go to bestbuy and check it properly? PS5 digital plus Ragnarok is $460. Plus a second controller is $530. Switch OLED plus 2 controller and a game is $350 + $70 + $70 + $60. $550. This is basic accounting. It costs $20 more to buy a Switch, two controllers, and a game, than the PS5 Digital.

  • -6
zero129 Garrus (on 22 January 2023)

Why would he need to buy two controllers?, he doesnt even need to buy a controller since ya know the Switch comes with one anyways the Joy Cons.

  • +1
Slownenberg Garrus (on 21 January 2023)

This reminds me of back in the Wii days when people would try to say Wii costs so much because the controllers cost $60 instead of $50 lol, like okay $30 extra to four controllers, for a system that's like $250 less haha.

Looking at best buy, digital only system bundle with GoW:R comes with one controller and is $460. That's the cheaper system, so we could compare that to handheld only Lite which would be $260 for the same thing.
Or $560 for the bundle of disc-version of the system. Compare that to either Switch hybrid and a game and you get either $360 or $410, both much cheaper than $560.

Also Switch 2 could easily be two years away, maybe more. Why would someone wait so long to play a game coming out in 4 months that they want to get?

  • +2
Garrus Slownenberg (on 21 January 2023)

No, you can't compare the PS5 digital against the Lite, you compare it against the Switch digital. Yikes. Arbitrary comparisons, why are you doing it? $530 for the PS5 + 2 controllers and a game to play together. $550 for the Switch OLED version. That's the value.

  • -7
Kakadu18 Garrus (on 22 January 2023)

You are the one doing arbitrary comparisons. And why does anyone need to buy two Switch pro controllers or Joy-Con pairs when buying a new Switch?

  • +4
Wman1996 (on 21 January 2023)

This pretty much confirms what we suspected: Switch 2 won't come out until 2024 or later.

  • +5
Garrus Wman1996 (on 22 January 2023)

no it does not... everyone just finding what they want in the article without reading the article

  • -3
Mars2001 (on 20 January 2023)

That means Switch became best console ever

  • +5
nintendocentral Mars2001 (on 20 January 2023)

It seems probable depending on how demand is in 2023.

  • +2
Paatar (on 22 January 2023)

Honestly I just hope we see ARMS 2 this year. Absolutely loved the first game, quirks and all. The characters are outstanding.

  • +1
Valdney (on 21 January 2023)

2d Mario incoming!!

  • +1
Paatar Valdney (on 22 January 2023)

More like 3D. 2D is great and all but not as big of a system seller as 3D in recent years.

  • 0
Valdney Paatar (on 22 January 2023)

Only in a parallel world 3D Mario is bigger than 2d Mario

  • -1
Paatar Valdney (on 22 January 2023)

Check sales numbers of 3D VS 2D. 2D is not as big as it once was.

  • 0
Mystro-Sama (on 21 January 2023)

Price drop?

  • +1
Qwark (on 20 January 2023)

They dan easily sell the Switch to Q1 2026, before they release a successor. They only have to release Zelda this year and a new Pokémon next year an d the Switch will sell 10 million+ units both years.

  • +1
Podings (on 23 January 2023)

With the new Pokémon out in the wild, Zelda coming out in the spring, and several evergreens still selling very strong, it might be a good move.

Bundle the OLED model with Swith Sports and do some peppy ads for the summer.
Sure to win over some of the fringe audience.

  • 0
Ljink96 (on 22 January 2023)

Yeah, this thing is beating the PS2 easy. Going from the colossal failure that was the Wii U, to the best selling gaming device of all time is insane. Nintendo killed it with the Switch not gonna lie.

  • 0
Garrus Ljink96 (on 22 January 2023)

actually not, the DS was the best selling of all time, the 3DS sold well, the Switch is the successor to the DS and its success as a portable isn't surprising

if you mistakenly take the Switch as a successor to the Wii U then you get confused

there is no alternative for DS and 3DS fans except for the Switch, meanwhile nobody had to buy the Wii U, they had the 3DS at that time

The Switch sales are about 3DS + Wii U sales combined, as expected.

  • -2
zero129 Garrus (on 22 January 2023)

You really like doing some mind gymnastics to try make yourself sound right.. Even when you are so wrong. Does it really hurt you so much that a Nintendo Console is now on its way to becoming one of the best selling consoles ever?.

  • 0
Ljink96 Garrus (on 23 January 2023)

Bro...why? Why did you make this post? Who hurt you?

  • 0
KLAMarine (on 20 January 2023)

Price cut incoming?

  • 0
znake (on 20 January 2023)

King Switch coming for 200 million , poor Sony and Microsoft

  • 0
VAMatt znake (on 20 January 2023)

200mm seems unlikely. If they don't release a successor until holiday 2025, I can see a path to 170 million, maybe 175.

  • +3
SanAndreasX VAMatt (on 20 January 2023)

I find it hard to see how they can keep up that much momentum, barring unforeseen circumstances.

  • +1
Qwark SanAndreasX (on 20 January 2023)

It's called Pokémon and Mario Kart 9, those will keep the momentum going. Also massive price cuts can do wonders.

  • 0
VAMatt Qwark (on 20 January 2023)

I don't see those games pushing it to 200 million people. The fans of those series' already have a Switch.

  • +6
Slownenberg Qwark (on 20 January 2023)

If Nintendo just really wanted to stick with this gen for a long time and hit 200M they could maybe do it. Yeah they could just keep cutting the price overtime, maybe eventually have like a $120/$170/$200 price structure as their chipset becomes like a decade old. They could also make another model. Not that they are going to do it. But maybe they keep it going to holiday 2025 and end up selling 170M.

  • +2
Qwark znake (on 20 January 2023)

Switch might sell 200 million units, but is unlikely to sell 2 billion software units, even less within the timeframe that PS4 did it.

  • -2
xMetroid (on 20 January 2023)

Bloomberg missed some times on these reports but i do remember they reported Switch could go to 30 millions during 2020. So that is an interesting claim. As other said, that would most likely mean price cut. It will happen eventually since the competition can now produce more and Switch’s edge on availability won’t be the main factor anymore. Also, if they plan to release a new console in a year or two, Switch will need to reduce in pricing cause they can’t sell the successor at almost the same price as the OLED and it won’t be 550$.

  • 0
nintendocentral xMetroid (on 20 January 2023)

I agree, I would be very shocked if a price cut did not occur sometime this year.

  • +1
VAMatt nintendocentral (on 20 January 2023)

A price cut has already occurred, due to inflation. The $300 that you pay for a Switch today is worth far less than the $300 that I paid for my Switch 5 years ago. It's probably equivalent to about $200 in 2017 value.

  • +6
nintendocentral VAMatt (on 20 January 2023)

I got mine in 2019, and yes inflation has virtually acted as a price cut but I also think Nintendo may lower the prices themselves so the OLED model is not at a similar price to the Xbox Series S.

  • +4
Kakadu18 VAMatt (on 21 January 2023)

It's the equivalent to $227 to be exact.

  • +1
VAMatt Kakadu18 (on 22 January 2023)

Yes, and inflation in the US has been lower than most of the rest of the world. So the real price cut for everybody else has been even better.

  • 0
xMetroid VAMatt (on 22 January 2023)

Even with inflation that 300$ is insane. It could def get a 50$ price cut and a Nintendo Select line.

  • 0
javi741 xMetroid (on 20 January 2023)

There l could be that possibility where Nintendo never drops the price of the Switch even once the successor comes out since Nintendo would rather prioritize profit over sales numbers.

Nintendo isn't new to this practice either since they did it with the wii u, after having that first price cut in Aug 2013 from $350 to $300, the Wii U for the rest of its lifespan never received another official price cut by Nintendo even after the Switch released despite the low sales since Nintendo wanted to prioritize profit over sales. Sony would do a similar thing with the PS4 where Sony never officially dropped the price of the PS4 below 300$ despite the PS5 releasing and being only 100$ more. It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo took that approach with the Switch as well especially since so many people are still willing to pay 300-350 for the Switch.

Also, I dont think Nintendo would raise production that much before they implement a price cut, since they won't truly know how the demand will increase after the price cut to avoid overstocking.

  • 0
Slownenberg xMetroid (on 20 January 2023)

Yeah exactly. Either Nintendo drops the price of the Switch before the successor comes out, or they basically just halt Switch production (except for maybe the Lite) just before the successor launches. Cuz I'd be the successor will probably be like $350 and they aren't gonna be trying to sell last-gen at the same price as next-gen.

Before this news I woulda said Nintendo won't do any price cuts and will just stop producing at least the two hybrid models just before Switch 2 launch. But now, with them wanting to actually increase production, that definitely speaks to a price cut this year. And with chips available cost of production should be heading back down so a price cut becomes doable.

Hell maybe we see $170/$250/$300 this year, then they push the Switch 2 off until holiday 2025 and we see another drop to $150/$220/$260 in 2025 so they can keep selling Switch when Switch 2 comes out at say $350 with full backward compatibility.

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pikashoe (on 20 January 2023)

Feel like a pricecut is incoming, only way I see it going up.

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nintendocentral pikashoe (on 20 January 2023)

I agree, that also opens the door for a new revision model seeing how Nintendo is trying to extend the lifecycle of the console.

  • +1
Garrus (on 22 January 2023)

This is what the article actually says (I will quote a bit, I am a member).

"Nintendo has told suppliers and assembly partners it intends to churn out more Switch units in the fiscal year starting April, but has not yet communicated a precise target, the people said. It may revise down its plans later in the year if demand underwhelms. Analyst expectations are for sales to diminish, however Nintendo’s plan suggests it sees sustained demand for at least another year. The console, whose price starts at $199.99, has been hampered more by supply issues than any demand slump, Nintendo executives have said.

(which is totally false, there have been no shortages of Switches on the shelf)

“Sales in the recent holiday season were not that strong even with improved supply,” said Kenji Fukuyama, an analyst at UBS Securities. “People will soon start speculating about next-generation hardware and are likely to refrain from buying the old system. A slowdown in Switch sales momentum is unavoidable.”


Somehow an article saying "has not yet communicated a precise target" and "a slowdown in Switch sales is unavoidable" is getting reported the opposite way based on unfounded speculation of the Bloomberg writer misquoting the original sources. "Make more" in this context just means "to keep making them, for sale". Not to make more than last year.

  • -2
shikamaru317 (on 20 January 2023)

Ugh, that means our chances of seeing Switch 2 released in 2024 are down quite alot. Another year with a system so weak most games are now sub 30 fps, sigh.

  • -6
nintendocentral shikamaru317 (on 20 January 2023)

I have no problem with no new console coming as long as Nintendo can be on top of it with the performance (at least 720p 30fps).

  • +6
Garrus nintendocentral (on 22 January 2023)

30fps is garbage, why don't you want the Nintendo family to grow to include people that played all their games at 60fps like the Gamecube 20 years ago?

  • -3
Geraldb78 shikamaru317 (on 20 January 2023)

I know it’s frustrating not to get 3rd party support at the quality the consumer demands, but if 2025 is true, maybe the 2nd Switch will get better hardware than say the 2024 Switch 2. I know this isn’t the best answer or possibly the correct info. At least hope for a revision to address your concerns on the fps or even quality updates if that will address that issue?

  • 0
nintendocentral Geraldb78 (on 20 January 2023)

There is also a higher chance that a 4K Switch could be put back into development.

  • 0
Garrus Geraldb78 (on 22 January 2023)

It won't get better hardware. The 5nm RTX 4050 is already here, they can use half of that in a Switch and release it now. Nothing big is coming soon. 3nm is a much smaller improvement over the 5nm node.

  • -2
OneTime shikamaru317 (on 20 January 2023)

Bad game performance is mostly down to lazy Devs. Unless a game is really pushing the limits, just compare it to other AAA Switch titles.

Even back in NES days we had slowdown…. ….and it was poorly optimized code then too!

  • +5
SanAndreasX OneTime (on 20 January 2023)

A lot of games run like crap on PC, PS5, and Series X as well, until they're patched rather heavily.

Conversely, a lot of the popular games being released are lower-tier games that simply don't benefit from things like ray-tracing. Not every game is on the tier of God of War: Ragnarok.

  • +3
Qwark SanAndreasX (on 20 January 2023)

Even GOW Ragnarok is basically a heavily optimised PS4 game ported to PS5. Horizon graphically is a lot more impressive than GOW Ragnarok.

  • +1
dane007 shikamaru317 (on 20 January 2023)

Developer's need to optimize better. Pokemon scarlett is perfect example of this

  • +10
Qwark dane007 (on 20 January 2023)

Why though it sells better than anything besides COD and FIFA regardless of its performance

  • 0
dane007 Qwark (on 21 January 2023)

That doesn't make it right. Why play a game that runs as bad skyrim use to run on ps3 and with graphics as bad as ps2 level. I know it sells which gives them reasons to not try but that's how it will never improve and get better

  • +2
KratosLives (on 20 January 2023)
  • -21
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