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Release Dates

12/06/16 Microsoft Studios
12/08/16 Microsoft Studios
12/06/16 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 8
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
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Latest Sales Updates

865,000 Machina 09th Jan 2019

Dead Rising 4 - Player Total History

Player Total history currently under construction...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales
1 n/a 140,659 76,058 35,282 251,999
2 n/a 70,713 43,297 18,041 132,051
3 n/a 75,604 44,795 19,199 139,598
4 n/a 30,260 20,504 7,839 58,603
5 n/a 8,295 6,350 2,192 16,837
6 n/a 3,104 2,321 817 6,242
7 n/a 1,732 1,443 465 3,640
8 n/a 959 1,306 287 2,552
9 n/a 679 886 201 1,766
10 n/a 514 1,353 194 2,061

Shipping Total

865,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (30)

spacedelete posted 02/12/2017, 09:37
@matheusbrito02 why you lying for? its made by the same developer as the old games. they just got out of touch with what fans wanted.
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matheusbrito02 posted 07/04/2017, 01:22
Well, this game was really bad promoted. Was made by a developer who never touched Dead Rising. In general its less then any other DR in terms of details. I just don't think that the bad sales are microsoft guilty, capcom deserves this.
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matheusbrito02 posted 07/04/2017, 01:20
aaaaaaaa i just want my copy to arrive
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mygaffer posted 27/03/2017, 03:00
@darkenergy and @Mentore why are you arguing over which terrible game sold better than which terrible game on which terrible platform?
It's like two dung beetles arguing over who has a bigger ball of dung.
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darkenergy posted 07/03/2017, 02:10
I wish Capcom would have release this at the start of November instead of December.
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darkenergy posted 07/03/2017, 02:05
@math yeah he has been to almost every xbox wall complaining for some reason.

@mentore aren't you trash talking as well? You are doing it now to these Xbox walls. No those new cancelled games are unproven and raised concerns so canning them was inevitable. Also I'm pretty sure Uncharted wouldn't got the same sales if the PS4 was at about 28 million sold, so those high sales was because of that, also digital isn't included in Halo and Gears and we know the growing of digital sales these past few years :)
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