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Alternative Names

Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka






Release Dates

11/07/00 Sega
12/29/99 Sega
11/06/00 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 303
Favorite: 41
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:



Shenmue is an action/adventure game developed by Sega and released on the DreamCast.

  • Development Budget: $70 million
  • Development Time: 4 years
  • Sales: 1.2 million

Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Game Summary added to Database Machina 01st Oct 2022
Boxart Added Machina 01st Oct 2022
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 02nd Dec 2009
Game Information Updated janic 18th Nov 2009
Game Summary added to Database oliist 08th Sep 2009
Boxart Added pbroy 08th Sep 2009
Critic Review Added to Database pbroy 08th Sep 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Leunam 16th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Game Information Updated NinjaBlade360 20th Jun 2009

Shipping Total

1,200,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (34)

Mario_pana posted 18/07/2012, 09:02
They should make a Shemue 3 but I think it's about time that it should go to PSN and Xbox live with trophies and achivnments. I WANT MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES BACK. 😞
Also happy at the same time if SEGA do it. 😄😄😄
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TeamYu posted 20/05/2012, 09:15
Join the campaign for Sega to give Yu Suzuki the license to finally make Shenmue 3, with the help of his investors: - Use the Twitter hashtag #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense on the 3rd of each month!
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MattyPeq posted 14/03/2012, 08:10
Unforgettable game.
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Iveyboi posted 19/07/2011, 07:27
I really, really wish Sega would port this to PSN or release 1/2 as a remastered title or something. I can't jusitfy buying a DC just to get this game depsite how great it is
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Icestyng posted 03/05/2010, 05:31
The game of my life!
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sep85dd posted 25/07/2009, 12:17
second best Sega Game ever made, behind sonic adventure.
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