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Review Scores



Alternative Names



Square Enix



Other Versions

All, PC, Series

Release Dates

07/13/18 Nintendo
07/13/18 Square Enix
07/13/18 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 55
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,900,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2019

Opinion (7)

Sietjie posted 27/01/2019, 08:09
29 December 2018 - 1.02M
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Sietjie posted 21/01/2019, 03:38
22 December 2018 - 0.98M
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Stuart23 posted 20/09/2018, 02:10
Should be 1M in no time
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RaiNoblesse posted 25/08/2018, 12:02
agree, the digital sales on this one will have a high ration... only now in late August do I see physical copies finally available again...

eitherway, hope this raw diamond gets the sales it deserves and produces a (perfect diamond) sequel
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curl-6 posted 24/08/2018, 02:41
Between physical shortages and small file size, the digital ratio for this one will be huge
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Rob5VGC posted 24/08/2018, 01:15
350k. Interesting.
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