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Number None Inc.



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Release Dates

04/10/09 Number None
(Add Date)
04/10/09 Number None

Community Stats

Owners: 699
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 2
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Now Playing: 3

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Braid - Cheats

Total cheats available: 2

Walkthrough / Guides / Tips

Date Title User
11th Jan 2011 Epilogue: New journal text ioi


Date Title User
04th Mar 2011 Steam Achievements (0) ioi

Shipping Total

1,012,410 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

Opinion (3)

zexen_lowe posted 16/04/2009, 06:50
Well, I finished it, with some help of a FAQ in some places, but overall it's a very good game, and it makes you think a lot. I dunno if I'm too unimaginative or what, but I can't find any meaning to the story though.

Still, it's a very recommended game, because the puzzles are damn good
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salaminizer posted 15/04/2009, 01:44
yeah it's really cool, but not the best game ever or anything like that. I think it's extremely short too and just when a world starts to amaze you, it's over.

I have to compare it with World of Goo though, which is a fantastic example of a game that shows you a new trick in every chapter and the chapter is long enough that you really enjoy the trick.

people also said good things about the story, but I'm not really caring about it... more like, I don't give a f*** about Tim.
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zexen_lowe posted 11/04/2009, 03:25
Very hard, but the concept is increidibly cool, and it makes you feel good when you finally grab the puzzle piece that tortured you so much time.

I'm liking it so far
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