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Alternative Names



Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

08/04/13 Nintendo
07/13/13 Nintendo
07/26/13 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 70
Favorite: 16
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 4

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Pikmin 3 - Forum

Page:  1 
Last Post
A very Nintendo Christmas... fedfed 42
1,852 12/15/16 15:36 GMT
by zelmusario
The future of Nintendo: what’s to come after Spring 2016? (1) MakeAccountLater 64
3,636 07/02/15 16:16 GMT
by 2wordsranger
Pikmin movie to be reveal at Tokyo International Film Festival. Kaizar 3
684 09/12/14 09:28 GMT
by dark_gh0st_b0y
Pikmin designer working on “Nintendo original title" IsawYoshi 18
1,494 11/27/13 01:45 GMT
by justinian
I've just realized how important gaming is to me! Slarvax 14
1,319 11/12/13 20:06 GMT
by outlawauron
Nintendo Clearly Doesn't Care About Gamers...... IHateLife 26
3,263 08/26/13 00:18 GMT
by Proxy-Pie
Pikmin 3 question Mnementh 5
540 08/06/13 20:51 GMT
Japan Sales: Tsutaya Game Ranking (July 8th - July 14th 2013) Kresnik 17
1,763 07/17/13 05:07 GMT
by AgentZorn
New Pikmin 3 footage from Japanese website curl-6 24
2,056 06/10/13 21:33 GMT
by Lonely_Dolphin
Miyamoto says Pikmin 3 will be more like Pikmin 1 than 2 Kresnik 43
2,827 01/02/13 19:24 GMT
by miz1q2w3e
Why Do U Hate Wii U (or Nintendo)?? NintendoPie 150
10,521 08/20/12 18:55 GMT
by WiiBox3
Who's excited for Pikmin 3? WiiBox3 2
458 06/05/12 18:14 GMT
Mr. Miyamoto Really Enjoying Pikmin 3! NintendoPie 77
5,651 02/18/12 20:12 GMT
by Toxicspikes
What Are Your Most Anticipated Games of 2012? NintendoPie 102
7,612 02/05/12 11:08 GMT
by goddog
Pikmin found Galaki 3
511 09/02/11 13:01 GMT
by killeryoshis
Pikmin 3? MrT-Tar 7
518 06/08/11 09:09 GMT
by Galaki
Page:  1 

Shipping Total

1,270,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2019

Opinion (139)

goldmario79 posted 01/12/2016, 04:34
Pikmin was the runaway smash hit on the GC and this is just an extension of it.. one of Nintendo's newest and best franchises!
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PAOerfulone posted 27/03/2016, 07:26
Looks like the Selects treatment was just what the doctor ordered for this game.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 09:06
There's clearly an extra preposition in there. You guys can cross "to" out.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 09:05
I bought the Selects reprint and played for a bit less than an hour just to for testing purposes. It's really good.
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fedfed posted 22/03/2016, 11:38
selling more the SM3DWorld =- people needed this Selects edition!
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TheMagicMax posted 19/03/2016, 06:55
The nintendo select release really helped the game this week in the US.
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