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Alternative Names



Konami Computer Entertainment Japan



Other Versions

All, GB, GB, PC, PS

Release Dates

06/18/09 Konami
03/21/08 Konami
11/19/09 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 55
Favorite: 8
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:



2005 Shadow Moses Incident It is the dawn of the 21st century. The Special Forces unit FOXHOUND seizes control of a nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses, an isolated rock in Alaska's Fox Islands. They present their demands to the government: hand over the remains of the legendary hero Big Boss within 24 hours or FOXHOUND will launch a nuke. In response, the government summons Solid Snake out of seclusion in the Alaskan wilderness and sends him on a solo mission to infiltrate Shadow Moses. Released for the Playstation, Metal Gear Solid combines exciting live-action, polygon rendered cutscenes and 3D CG action scenes with innovative gameplay; all the while delivering an anti-war, anti-nuke message. Source: Konami Official Website

Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Game Information Updated oliist 02nd Jan 2011
Boxart Added Blaiyan 05th Feb 2010
Game Information Updated Blaiyan 05th Feb 2010
Boxart Added Fab_GS 18th Nov 2009
Game Information Updated Fab_GS 18th Nov 2009
Release Date Added to Database Fab_GS 18th Nov 2009
Release Date Added to Database Fab_GS 18th Nov 2009
Game Information Updated lepolohuevo 06th Sep 2009
Game Summary added to Database Heavenly_King 27th Jun 2009
Boxart Added Heavenly_King 27th Jun 2009
Game Summary added to Database Heavenly_King 27th Jun 2009
Boxart Added oliist 27th Jun 2009
Boxart Added oliist 27th Jun 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Heavenly_King 27th Jun 2009
Boxart Added Heavenly_King 27th Jun 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (5)

1 75 n/a n/a 75
2 74 n/a n/a 74
3 68 n/a n/a 68
4 65 n/a n/a 65
5 56 n/a n/a 56
6 67 n/a n/a 67
7 62 n/a n/a 62
8 59 n/a n/a 59
9 63 n/a n/a 63
10 64 n/a n/a 64
Joel12345 posted 29/05/2010, 06:49
ok I beat =) on Friday took me 4 days
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Joel12345 posted 28/05/2010, 07:33
Playing it right now=) bought it Monday,Probably beat it by Monday(1 week)
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AaronSOLDIER posted 24/11/2009, 05:40
Bought it on Thursday (EU), just completed it today. Still amazing.
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snyperdud posted 29/06/2009, 10:51
Will download eventually, FF7has me tied down atm.
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Heavenly_King posted 27/06/2009, 10:57
Hope you guys like the banner and the official PSN art :D
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