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Alternative Names



Insomniac Games



Release Dates

09/06/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/08/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/09/11 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 254
Favorite: 29
Tracked: 13
Wishlist: 18
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


Latest Sales Updates

1,790,800 Machina 26th Dec 2023

Resistance 3 - Player Total History

Player Total history currently under construction...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales
1 19,174 135,690 74,392 45,073 274,329
2 5,262 41,323 36,691 18,405 101,681
3 3,301 21,623 17,998 9,230 52,152
4 2,146 14,987 12,854 6,524 36,511
5 1,562 9,553 11,786 5,356 28,257
6 1,202 6,447 10,639 4,509 22,797
7 865 6,540 9,603 4,178 21,186
8 807 9,510 9,869 4,699 24,885
9 834 10,660 13,480 6,061 31,035
10 717 11,786 11,894 5,711 30,108

Shipping Total

1,790,800 Units
As of: 2019

Opinion (335)

ps-sidahmed posted 02/08/2014, 03:08
Insomniac didn't dropped the series they said that story must come to an end, speaking of me i really enjoyed resistance 3 it is my 3rd best game and it is said that the sales didn't pass 3 million
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Zekkyou posted 09/05/2014, 12:29
It didn't cost 100 million to make lol...
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withdreday posted 15/01/2014, 11:00

It is when the game cost 100 million to make. Why else do you think Insomniac dropped the series?
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VGKing posted 15/01/2013, 02:53
No need to write in spanish and english lmfao! If you really feel like it then write it in the same comment,no need to take up 2 spots.
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pandaXL posted 03/12/2012, 09:04
great game! gonna pick up the collection soon and its easily my fav alien invasion-type franchise. @jaman1 i wish for a reboot too
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jayman1 posted 21/07/2012, 12:58
If people on PSN petitioned Sony to have Naughty Dog, guerilla games, or sucker punch take over Resistance franchise or Socom and Mag franchises it would get done.All these games are fantastic they just need a fresh take from a new developer. Write to Sony,Naughty Dog , Guerilla games and Sucker punch.
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