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S2 Games



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05/12/10 S2 Games
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Heroes of Newerth - Summary

A Dota clone with an improved engine to overcome the limitations found in the original dota mod from warcraft 3. The gameplay is essentially the same and a large chunck of the heroes are the same. Recently S2, the developer, has been making a lot of new heroes though, giving the game its own identity. 

This game is multiplayer only. It involves two teams of 5 players working cooperatively to destroy the opposing team's main building to win the game. You reach the main building by destroying the enemy towers, minions, and player controlled heroes in your way. Teamwork is essential to success. The team that coordinates better will almost always win. The game is very unfriendly to newcomers because one clueless player basically ruins the game for the entire team giving them almost no chance of winning

Players control heroes that can level up and buy equipment. These items and stats do not get carried over from game to game. You start over in each game.

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526,000 Units
As of: 2011

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