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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Skyward Sword

ゼルダの伝説 スカイウォードソード


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

11/20/11 Nintendo
11/23/11 Nintendo
11/18/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 700
Favorite: 140
Tracked: 23
Wishlist: 49
Now Playing: 61

Avg Community Rating:



By Alex St-Amour 29th Nov 2011 | 23,714 views 
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A Link to the Future

One of the most storied franchises in history soars to new heights. The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword shakes up the tried-and-true adventure game formula and marks a turning point for the franchise. The introduction of full motion controls enabled by Wii MotionPlus™ technology synchronizes player movements with Link's actions while offering the most intuitive play control of any game in the series to date.


  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword boasts the most realistic sword combat of any game to date, turning every encounter into a challenge of both brains and brawn. Wii MotionPlus technology accurately translates the angle of every sword slice, effectively putting Link's blade in the player's hand. Analyzing enemy attack and defense tendencies and counteracting with precise swings of the sword provide a satisfying experience that blends puzzle-solving with a new and distinctly unique combat system.
  • Explore a massive, multilayered world that seamlessly blends soaring exploration in a sea of clouds with intense ground-based adventuring that blurs the line between the main world and traditional Zelda dungeons. Link™ soars through the skies on the back of a noble bird and dives beneath the clouds to the continent below in an epic quest that lays the foundation for the events in the critically acclaimed The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • Prepare for intense puzzle-solving as only The Legend of Zelda games can deliver. Exploration of the forests, volcanoes and deserts requires players to think on their feet as they solve puzzles, overcome obstacles and escape deadly traps. Once they find their way to each dungeon, they are confronted by even more puzzles guarded by fiendish enemies.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword redefines the traditional Zelda framework and introduces an arsenal of items, upgrades and rewards unlike any game in the franchise to date. The adventure guides players into, out of and back to dungeons and areas they've already completed. Along the way, Link gathers a massive inventory of peculiar items and resources that can be used to upgrade many of his weapons and equipment.

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Release Date Added to Database oliist 18th Apr 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 18th Apr 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 18th Apr 2011
Game Information Updated oliist 18th Apr 2011
Release Date Added to Database nordlead 25th Jun 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 15th Jun 2010
Game Added to Database oliist 15th Jun 2010

Shipping Total

3,670,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (441)

AngryLittleAlchemist posted 19/07/2017, 12:12
Um...why the heck is this adjusted down? When I joined VGChartz last december this was at like 4.4 million.
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S.Peelman posted 18/01/2017, 11:26
Isn't this adjusted?

It's adjusted, it was over 4m for sure. Adjusted down which is hilareous, because it is most definitely undertracked. VGC already took over a year to match Nintendo's published numbers back in 2012 so this is not exactly credible.
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Nuvendil posted 22/03/2016, 10:41
You know a franchise has some serious power when you do almost no promotion and your E3 presentations for it are bad and the game launches on a dying platform but the thing STILL sells 4mil, STILL gets nominated for numerous awards, and STILL wins multiple large publications GOTY awards. In the same year Skyrim and Arkham City launched.
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OneTwoThree posted 01/02/2016, 11:13
I love ths game. Nintendo needs to fix the timing of their Zelda release cycle. You can't release a game of this class and scope right before a console is phased out, when public interest for the system has died down.
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POE posted 13/12/2015, 06:27
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PAOerfulone posted 12/12/2015, 07:26
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