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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

チャイルド オブ エデン


Q Entertainment



Other Versions

All, PS3

Release Dates

06/14/11 Ubisoft
10/06/11 Ubisoft
06/17/11 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 38
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Child of Eden - Summary

Child of Eden thrusts you in the center of a battle to save Project Lumi, a mission to reproduce a human personality inside Eden, the archive of all human memories. As the project nears completion, the archive is invaded by an unknown virus. The Player’s mission is to save Eden from the virus to restore hope and peace.

Key Features

  • Multi-Sensory Experience - A visionary entertainment experience that synchronizes stunning graphics, innovative sound design, and motion controls to electrify the senses.
  • Optimized for Kinect for Xbox 360 - Use your body to move the camera, and both hands to lock-on and shoot for a completely new and multi-sensory shooting game experience.
  • Customized Soundtrack - Scored by Mizuguchi’s band The Genki Rockets, the music was made specifically for the game and adapts as your experience progresses.
  • Controller Options - Designed for standard controllers and Kinect for Xbox 360.

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (24)

1 n/a 19,299 8,538 4,160 31,997
2 n/a 4,707 5,578 1,536 11,821
3 n/a 7,102 3,747 1,621 12,470
4 n/a 13,739 1,562 2,286 17,587
5 n/a 11,868 1,168 1,948 14,984
6 n/a 8,650 1,278 1,484 11,412
7 n/a 5,249 1,320 981 7,550
8 n/a 2,576 1,277 576 4,429
9 n/a 1,600 1,027 392 3,019
10 n/a 1,210 796 300 2,306
Mr Puggsly posted 03/05/2013, 01:18
This sold better than I thought.
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Commando posted 07/11/2011, 08:14
Yeah I'm pretty sure the bundle copies don't count towards sales, given its via download as part of the new bundle
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yahoocom1984 posted 08/10/2011, 10:43
nilli is a PS3 fanboy fuck off
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:09
I really loved this game...but damn is it so hard. Needs better sales
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Goddbless posted 15/09/2011, 07:52
This game is hard yet fun. It also doesn't hurt that it's pretty to look at.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/09/2011, 04:41
@ nilli - This doesn't require Kinect. Also, a game like this is more niche than core in my opinion.
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