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Alternative Names

カウンターストライク グローバル・オフェンシブ


Valve Corporation



Other Versions


Release Dates

08/21/12 Valve
08/21/12 Valve Corporation
08/21/12 Valve Corporation

Community Stats

Owners: 11
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:



Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) expands upon the team-based first person shooter gameplay the original Counter-Strike pioneered when it launched in 1999. Two teams compete in multiple rounds of objective-based game modes with the goal of winning enough rounds to win the match.

CS:GO features new maps, characters, and weapons and delivers updated versions of the classic Counter-Strike maps like Dust, Inferno, Nuke, Train, and more. In addition, CS:GO introduces new game modes like Arms Race, Flying Scoutsman and Wingman, and features online matchmaking and Competitive Skill Groups.

Source: Official Website

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Release Date Added to Database Marth 27th Mar 2019
Release Date Added to Database Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 27th Mar 2019
Game Summary added to Database Marth 27th Mar 2019
Game Information Updated Marth 27th Mar 2019
Game Banner Added to Database Marth 27th Mar 2019

Shipping Total

40,000,000 Units
As of: February 2018

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