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Joseph Covington



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Zombie Toss Basketball - Summary

Have you tossed a flaming zombie today?

Fling a freaky, flaming zombie to it's explosive end in this hybrid game combining basketball, circus acrobats, and hilarious zombie deaths!

Zombie Toss Basketball is a hilarious hybrid game combining zombie destruction, circus acrobats, and of course basketball. The goal of the game is to toss flaming zombies into the main 100 point basket to unlock other higher point hoops and air cannon above the court. Higher scores also unlock newer zombies with distinct appearance, sounds, weight, and height for extra challenging shots. 

- Complex ragdoll physics combined with challenging court obstacles results in dynamic and re-playable zombie destruction. 

- Unlock new freaky zombies with their own unique sounds, appearance, and dynamics for variable fun (pro version only). 

- Crowd reactions, awesome fire and meteor visual effects, along with all the squishy, bone-cracking, and explosive sounds means a feast for the senses. 

- Experience endless play in Unlimited Mode (only available in the pro version) if you are in the mood for mindless (no pun intended) zombie mayhem.

After the smoke had cleared from the 'Near Zombie Apocalypse' of 2023 (or 'NZA' for short) there was a great emptiness felt by those humans who had survived. 

Combined with the immense rage and violent emotion that festered in the wake of the NZA, the door was opened to what would become man's greatest achievement to date: Zombie Toss Basketball!!! 

Humanities collective spirits were rekindled by the savage and brutal nature of the new sport, a sadistic hybrid event, cobbled together through vague recollections and perverted memories.

Some foul homogeny of elf tossing, circus acrobats and professional basketball; Zombie Toss Basketball would not only mark the pinnacle of humanity's achievements, but also its bloodlust.

Take the role of a legendary Zombie Hurler and satisfy the masses with your skillfully executed exterminations and your satisfyingly sweet "SWISHES". Perform wicked skill shots and electrify the mob with a carnage creating cannon kaboom. 

Leave no zombie unscathed!!!


Source: App Store

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