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SCEA Santa Monica Studio



Release Dates

03/12/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/14/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/15/13 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 54
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


God of War: Ascension - Extras

No extras available for this game

Shipping Total

3,000,000 Units

Opinion (78)

StreaK posted 19/04/2018, 09:53
Funny you say GOW3 was a disappointment yet it's by far the fan-favourite of the series lol. -As of now, there is a GOW poll on this site.-
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Zax posted 08/02/2014, 07:35
Plat'd it, it wasn't too bad but was worse than GoW3 which was a disappointment in itself. It was very short too.
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bananaking21 posted 14/01/2014, 10:40
should end at around 2.3 ~2.5 million life time. thats without digital sales. would have made sony a good profit too.
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Zax posted 07/01/2014, 05:30
Oh and the second HD collection also sold like crap.
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Zax posted 07/01/2014, 05:30
GOW3 the most awarded game in a genre that's a dying breed whose next game for PSP sold like crap and whose next game (this) also sold about a third of GOW3 despite twice the userbase.

Aka GOW3 was a poor game that put millions off of the franchise.
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JustThatGamer posted 29/12/2013, 04:11
hahaha I bet that's the same guy below who keeps making alternate accounts to troll GoW III lol, bitter that it's the bestselling, most awarded & acclaimed game in the genre of all time? :) They say opinions are like arseholes because everyone has one, although some are clearly more acceptable than others.

And going by more accurate NPD & GFK data we know this game is undertracked by at least 200K (50k 1st month US, 150K in EU by June 2013) so God of War: Ascension is actually around 2 million now, if that much sold in 9 months is considered a bomb then every single game in the genre outside of the GoW series ever has bombed hard.

We don't even know digital sales but it's pretty much guaranteed that this game will sell 3 million plus lifetime, which is truly great considering it's tepid reception, pointlessness, no standard PS3 bundles and releasing the year of PS4's arrival.
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