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Review Scores







Release Dates

11/13/12 Activision
12/20/12 Square Enix
11/13/12 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 2
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (50)

1 n/a 75,269 34,485 26,026 135,780
2 n/a 56,157 18,935 31,098 106,190
3 n/a 32,829 10,114 17,920 60,863
4 n/a 42,106 10,774 22,386 75,266
5 n/a 57,104 24,833 33,141 115,078
6 14,173 44,879 28,180 28,402 115,634
7 6,331 21,529 13,939 13,739 55,538
8 8,414 5,422 5,630 4,037 23,503
9 3,188 5,196 3,691 3,405 15,480
10 2,456 3,791 2,577 2,452 11,276
Dr.Vita posted 06/01/2016, 11:53
It seems like 2015 was a better year for this game than 2014.
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/01/2015, 04:29
@Ninsect - Yeah, I played Killzone and Resistance online but didn't care for them.

I like the speed and feel of CoD. It also felt the most balanced.
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Ninsect posted 09/01/2015, 12:30
@Puggsly: Have you tried the Killzone MP on Vita?
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/01/2015, 09:40
So I've continued to play the past few days. I finished the frustrating campaign missions, got a star on all 5 horde (Hostile) missions, did the training missions, and spent a good amount of time playing online.

It feels like this could have been something great but doesn't achieve it. This was likely rushed out for the holidays. If it had a more fleshed out single player experience this would be easy to recommend. There isn't enough single player content and its not enjoyable enough to keep coming back.

However, the multiplayer is genuinely fun. For me this is hands down the best competitive shooter on Vita and the population is still pretty active two years later.

For single player only this is a 2/5. But for single player and the multiplayer, this is a 3/5.
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/01/2015, 04:16
This game actually isn't that bad in spite of review scores. I got it recently for $10 and put a few hours into it thus far.

The campaign is basically just 10 short Spec Ops missions. I played a couple of them, they're challenging, kinda frustrating, but satisfying to complete.

The online multiplayer is where this really shines. They actually did a pretty good job at bringing CoD multiplayer to a handheld console. There seems to be plenty of people still playing online as well.

I'm content with my purchase and worth a look at $20 or less.
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GdaTyler posted 21/08/2014, 03:44
Yay adjustments. This pile of ass reached a million!
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