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Release Dates

10/24/14 Nintendo
09/20/14 Nintendo
10/24/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 64
Favorite: 14
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Latest Sales Updates

280,000 Machina 24th Nov 2020

Bayonetta 2 - Player Total History

Player Total history currently under construction...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales
1 37,173 n/a n/a 37,173
2 7,787 n/a n/a 7,787
3 3,658 n/a n/a 3,658
4 2,184 n/a n/a 2,184
5 1,401 n/a n/a 1,401
6 973 73,051 62,263 19,690 155,977
7 794 16,414 16,427 4,571 38,206
8 718 8,844 8,870 2,464 20,896
9 682 5,659 6,683 1,637 14,661
10 582 5,439 7,304 1,626 14,951

Shipping Total

280,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2018

Opinion (231)

Nautilus posted 08/12/2017, 10:34
Mission accomplished Nintendo and Platinum.Mission accomplished.
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NoirSon posted 20/08/2017, 07:46
@Kyuu, I don't know, given its platform and the fact that stylish action games like this aren't doing that well these days, it seems to done a good job. I mean it has easily outsold DmC and outside of licensed games like Batman or Shadow of Mordor, I can't think of a stylish action game not named Assassin's Creed that has sold better on any current gen console.
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curl-6 posted 27/01/2017, 02:45
Still similar sales to the 360 version of the original
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Rogerioandrade posted 22/11/2016, 01:35
Oh my goodness... what a dumbass I am. LOL. Only now I saw that it´s actually 100k in Japan.
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Rogerioandrade posted 22/11/2016, 01:33
There´s definetely something off about those adjustments... why there is a figure of only 10k sold in Japan if MC numbers for the 3rd week of this game were a total of 50k? Was the game tracked after its re-release? ( Weird.
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Goodnightmoon posted 18/11/2016, 03:15
For a niche game on a 13m installbase 750k is a pretty good number, specially for a game so different from what Nintendo fans usually buy, the original one only sold a little more than 1 million on X360 after all.
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