America - Front
America - Back
Total Sales |
Japan |
NA |
Europe |
Others |
Total |
1 | n/a | 85,710 | n/a | 18,718 | 104,428 |
2 | n/a | 73,405 | n/a | 16,031 | 89,436 |
3 | n/a | 35,773 | n/a | 7,812 | 43,585 |
4 | n/a | 10,887 | n/a | 2,378 | 13,265 |
5 | n/a | 10,099 | n/a | 2,205 | 12,304 |
6 | n/a | 9,549 | n/a | 2,086 | 11,635 |
7 | n/a | 9,485 | n/a | 2,071 | 11,556 |
8 | n/a | 8,134 | n/a | 1,776 | 9,910 |
9 | n/a | 8,191 | n/a | 1,789 | 9,980 |
10 | n/a | 10,532 | n/a | 2,300 | 12,832 |
posted 10/01/2014, 05:46
Got a game of the year edition on clearance for under $10 at Target. Really is an awesome game, but I never finished it. Glad the GotY edition comes with 400 days as well. Catch me up so I can go into Season 2. So happy Telltales is having such huge mainstream success. They really deserve it. Message | Report |
Mr Puggsly
posted 25/12/2012, 03:55
I bought this... and can't play it because its a buggy broken mess on 4GB 360 consoles. Thanks Telltale! Message | Report |