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Alternative Names


バイオハザード リベレーションズ





Other Versions

3DS, All, NS, PC, PS4, WiiU, X360, XOne

Release Dates

05/21/13 Capcom
05/23/13 Capcom
05/24/13 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 8
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Resident Evil: Revelations - Reviews

Critic Reviews

Game Informer Read Review 8.75 out of 10 16th Mar 2018
Gamespot Read Review 6.5 out of 10 16th Mar 2018
IGN Read Review 7.5 out of 10 16th Mar 2018
Polygon Read Review 7.5 out of 10 16th Mar 2018

User Reviews

No User Reviews have been submitted yet...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (7)

1 107,037 20,363 36,148 12,929 176,477
2 32,260 5,105 18,117 4,744 60,226
3 15,149 2,447 13,141 3,014 33,751
4 9,478 2,112 7,395 1,946 20,931
5 4,755 1,756 4,675 1,374 12,560
6 3,063 1,454 3,907 1,143 9,567
7 2,240 1,436 3,141 1,011 7,828
8 2,108 1,316 2,593 878 6,895
9 1,525 1,287 1,632 709 5,153
10 1,336 1,218 1,689 694 4,937
AngryAztec posted 27/07/2014, 01:27
@anthony64641 - An "old" port? The game came out in 2012 and was ported a year later. That's like saying the PS2 got an "old" port of RE4 after it came out 9 months earlier on the Gamecube. And Revelations on the 3DS was selling at full price for almost a year. While the PS3 port got a permanent price cut a few months after it came out.
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anthony64641 posted 11/08/2013, 09:19
how cares theres always going to be trolls.. anyways this is what to be expected. ps3 RE usually sells better than Xbox. also how would thing ANY of these console port would sell more than the 3DS?? its an old port of an handheld game for FULL price. lol I seen the 3DS version for under 20$ at amazon.
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oni-link posted 10/07/2013, 09:08
just like how Pugsly, Sony fans troll on Nintendo walls...just saying!!!
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think-man posted 03/07/2013, 02:57
@Kresnik Meret trolls all the Sony walls and does this, its to be expected :/
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Kresnik posted 25/06/2013, 04:10
> Nintendo fans raise the defence that late ports don't sell well on Wii-U because they're already on other platforms.

> Late port releases for PS3, Nintendo fan shouts "HUGE BOMBA".

You really do your fanbase a disservice with all these remarks on game walls, Meret.
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veritaz posted 19/06/2013, 07:33
Actually it is impressive since It costs more than the 3ds version did when it first came out and now you can get it for cheap while also being out for a lot longer time so it is not a bomba at all Meret. You are oh so annoying seeing you comment on every Playstation game I see with a bomba remark.
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