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Release Dates

11/18/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/04/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/26/14 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 1
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


LittleBigPlanet 3 - Cheats

Total cheats available: 0
No cheats available for this game

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (5)

1 n/a 23,089 n/a 7,855 30,944
2 n/a 12,181 31,095 9,306 52,582
3 2,399 7,253 48,719 10,555 68,926
4 680 10,441 33,318 9,083 53,522
5 388 12,712 35,153 10,160 58,413
6 281 13,657 31,834 9,931 55,703
7 217 4,019 7,382 2,593 14,211
8 126 2,820 2,700 1,407 7,053
9 110 2,240 1,935 1,084 5,369
10 94 1,600 1,532 798 4,024
Mr Puggsly posted 10/01/2015, 10:43
@Ninsect - PS4 may be more profitable for Sony but they still need as much money as they can get. Its not a bad idea to give PS3 some support to encourage future sales.

A game like LPB3 has little if any impact on PS4 sales. Also, fans of PS3 will likely buy a PS4 down the road.
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kivi95 posted 19/12/2014, 10:24
What a waste to make this version. Just a hold back for the PS4 version :/
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Ninsect posted 19/12/2014, 06:06
It can bolster the lineup and make picking up a PS4 instead of a PS3 or instead of keeping that old console a more appealing prospect. PS3 still gets third party games, Sony don't necessarily need to release their own games for it because they'll make a lot more money on PS4 anyway
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/12/2014, 09:04
@Ninsect - Well if Sony wants to continue profiting from PS3 they should give it some support. This isn't the kind of game that will move hardware anyhow.
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Ninsect posted 15/12/2014, 12:39
Why they even released this version is beyond me. Should've made it PS4 only for additional console sales
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