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Alternative Names

テイルズ オブ ヴェスペリア


Namco Tales Studio



Other Versions

All, PS3

Release Dates

08/26/08 Namco Bandai
08/07/08 Namco Bandai
06/26/09 Atari

Community Stats

Owners: 395
Favorite: 28
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 21
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Tales of Vesperia (X360) > Opinions (401)

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arsenal009 posted 16/09/2008, 01:08
Namco's target was 500k? ouch

I'm sure Microsoft moneyhatted them though, so they should prob atleast break even :p
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Egghead posted 16/09/2008, 12:57
Wow this isnt good is it, i think itll hit 200k in Japan. So with the NA sales currently thats 270k. Hopefully it at a steady rate and the eventual if ever EU release itll hit Namcos 500k target
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spaceworlder posted 16/09/2008, 12:55
The original #2, btw, was Destiny.
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spaceworlder posted 16/09/2008, 12:54
If these estimates hold, then Vesperia is already the second highest selling Tales game of all time. In two weeks, it has nearly tripled Abyss' first month.
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jpelles posted 16/09/2008, 12:47
low sales. Hopefully strong legs will carry this high. Reviews are pretty much universally positive.
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Shadowblind posted 16/09/2008, 12:36
16K? Lord.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 15/09/2008, 03:12
BD in 5 weeks = ~147K
Tov in 5 weeks = ~141K
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Shadowblind posted 15/09/2008, 04:15
Wow, according to the preview, Tales sold at 6000 units. It actually ROSE. Most likely due to the 360 restock.
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Egghead posted 13/09/2008, 02:03
Even then, MS have Last Remnant lined up. Yeah itll makes its way to the PS3, but doesnt change the fact that its going to sell on a level of an exclusive
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errorrrr posted 12/09/2008, 06:04
@Riachu: I know white knight chronicles is one of the major PS3 Rpgs... but during this empty period toward the end of this year and early next year, vesperia would of do well as a jRPG to fill the slot until WKC. Even the closest JRPG Valkyria Chronicles is not releasing till Nov. This would of been perfect.
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Egghead posted 12/09/2008, 03:28
3.2k, but yes, most games by now would be at around 1-2k range.

But it sucks so hard that MS really missed out on an opportunity to bolster their userbase there.
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Shadowblind posted 11/09/2008, 02:04
4K huh. Not bad for a shortage.
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Riachu posted 11/09/2008, 12:39
That's what White Knight Chronicles is for
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Iori Yagami posted 10/09/2008, 07:27
It won't do good on any system if don't ship the damn game.
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errorrrr posted 10/09/2008, 05:04
@Egghead: If this was on the PS3, it'd be a lot better in NA AND EU... EU has more PS3 than Xbox360, and US PS3 owners are starving for jRPG.
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Shadowblind posted 10/09/2008, 03:12

I was talking about Disgaea 3 sales.
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Egghead posted 10/09/2008, 01:58
@ Shadow

Youre right, it couldve got around 200-350k on PS3 in Japan but wouldve been NONEXISTENT in NA and EU.
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MontanaHatchet posted 09/09/2008, 03:34
This game page is funny.
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Bagaren85 posted 09/09/2008, 12:39
''This game will be fortunate to get 100k total sales in the US at this rate''

-Lol of the day''

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Shadowblind posted 08/09/2008, 09:44
Um, cowboy maybe its because its really hard to find a copy here, most people say its hard to find a copy there, and that its basically never been seen in a Wal-Mart or Target yet, and yet still got 60K sales.

Take the fanboy elsewhere, cowboy.

@Egghead: I'm guessing on PS3, vesperia might have gotten Disgaea sales? Can't tell though, they are too dissimilar.
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Egghead posted 08/09/2008, 06:41
Well one good thing is that Namco only want 500k sold for the game. At this rate in Japan it will get 200k, and from the US numbers itll get to around 200-300k lifetime. Then offcourse there is EU

And PS3 fanboys, it would NOT have done any much better on the PS3
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spaceworlder posted 08/09/2008, 06:05

Uh, at this rate ToV will pass 100k by the end of the month. Now, how about you take your trolling schtick to the forums?
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chris100185 posted 08/09/2008, 05:49
I already said it in my post, maybe you're illiterate. There are stories all over of major retailers like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. Not getting any copies of the game. And many Gamestops and Gamecrazy's only receiving 2-3 copies. Also considering Abyss never even made it to 100K lifetime in the states on a console with that large of a userbase, do really think that they shipped out that many copies? What would have been good for you? 100K? I doubt they sent out anywhere near that many.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 08/09/2008, 04:49
Your logic is based on what exactly? Do you have proof that the game was under shipped? Or is that just the conclusion you came to because you can't except that 360 owners simply don't care for ToV as much as you thought?
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chris100185 posted 08/09/2008, 03:20
Because I like to use actual logic.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 08/09/2008, 02:03
Under shipped, lol. Why can't you just accept that it didn't do nearly as well as people hoped/said it would.

This game will be fortunate to get 100k total sales in the US at this rate. I'm actually shocked that it sold this poorly. RPG's are becoming less and less popular I guess.
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chris100185 posted 08/09/2008, 03:12
Namco severely undershiped the game. I've heard from so many people who couldn't get their hands ona copy because the only stores carrying it in their area was a gamecrazy, or gamestop and they only got 2-3 copies. Also I know Amazon screwed over a lot of people who made preorders with the game. I think the game will show some legs, but Namco has no right to whine about numbers with this disgraceful showing of advertising and shipping.
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Shadowblind posted 08/09/2008, 01:04
yes. This is one time I do not care to hear any PS3 hypocrites come in here to bag this game. So before you even get in, STFU, and GTFO.
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spaceworlder posted 08/09/2008, 12:07
Leave the PS3 fanboyism at the boards, k?
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Cowboys4u86 posted 08/09/2008, 12:02
Ouch, this one hurts. The US sales are horrible. Well, this should show Japan the error of their ways and targeting the 360. I don't doubt this will make it's way to the PS3 now.
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Egghead posted 07/09/2008, 11:48
Gaming is dead, this is why...
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spaceworlder posted 07/09/2008, 11:21
Shucks. I hope the NPD numbers are bigger, because this game really deserves Symphonia-level sales.
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andrewclear posted 07/09/2008, 10:43
I think it was undershipped to. I bought it during it's second week of release, and only gamestop here had it. Target, Walmart, Hastings, etc, none of them have recieved any shipments of ToV yet.
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Skeeuk posted 07/09/2008, 09:43
very drab sales, would have expected this to light up the charts
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Zucas posted 07/09/2008, 08:54
NOt surprising. People the only Tales game I know of that has had any success in America has been Tales of Symphonia on the GC. Really that this title didn't start off to well isn't surprising giving trends of the series in America. You'll just have to hope that ToS gave this some brand here and that down the line it'll keep selling.
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jpelles posted 07/09/2008, 08:52
Under shipped the first week, or stores got it late because I know everywhere around me this game was impossible to find and I had to go to 7 stores just to find one that had it.
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Shadowblind posted 07/09/2008, 08:42
Only 60K? WTF?!
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errorrrr posted 06/09/2008, 02:54
where the heck is the American numbers??? has it already been over a week?
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Shadowblind posted 04/09/2008, 09:47
I was a tales fan long before I came to this site.

Why don't you think it will pass Symphonia's sales?
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chris100185 posted 04/09/2008, 05:09
Yea, a better example is Abyss releasing weeks before FF XII
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errorrrr posted 04/09/2008, 02:53
@Riachu: although Halo 3 is a big game... it's not a RPG or JRPG by any means... apple coming out the day after orange coming out shouldn't affect the people who wants to buy and eat orange... :/
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chris100185 posted 03/09/2008, 06:55
I have mine set to use all TP, keep distance, only use magic, and focus on healing, as well as turning off all other spells. She'll still rush in and start attacking while everyone is dying, throwing out a first aid to someone when they entire party is under 25% instead of casting nurse.

She'll use nurse when 3 people are at max health and the other is only down 300. She'll start casting right next to the enemy, and when she inevitably gets interrupted instead of moving back she'll try again right on the spot

and she just sits there staring out into space not casting recover(or doing much of anything) while the entire rest of the party is paralyzed.
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spaceworlder posted 03/09/2008, 06:39

How so? I've never had a problem with her.
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chris100185 posted 03/09/2008, 06:32
Meh, The AI in this one is good overall. But Estelle is damned moron, It's sad that Raven is a more effective healer than her.
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Undying posted 03/09/2008, 04:59
This game is awesome. All JRPG fans own it to themselves to play this game.
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spaceworlder posted 03/09/2008, 03:26

Couldn't disagree more. Kingdom Hearts is a boring button masher. Vesperia's fighting system is much better, and the AI is more reliable.
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chris100185 posted 03/09/2008, 03:04

Tales of Symphonia was actually the 4th main series game and 3rd to be released in the US.
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Gearbox posted 02/09/2008, 03:43
good game but games liek kingdom hearts just blow this kind of rpg away. what i mean is real time fighting oposed to running into an enemy then a whole new battle phase begins..
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Riachu posted 01/09/2008, 08:21
Eternal Sonata was released a week before Halo 3
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errorrrr posted 01/09/2008, 07:13
I am predicitng a 120,000 tops for America's first week sales. 60,000 for European sales... I don't think it'll sell that much better than Eternal Sonata since ES had a advantage during the JRPG shortage.
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Riachu posted 01/09/2008, 06:32
I'm not sure about ToV outselling ToS(the original) but from what I am seeing about the game apparently flying off the shelfs, it will probably surpass Namco's sales expectations
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Million posted 01/09/2008, 04:20
Impressive opening week.
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Egghead posted 01/09/2008, 12:14
I dont know, maybe itll outsell Symphonia, to this day its a mystery to how it did so well.

Namco are predicting 500k, but i dont know if thats 2/3 or 3/3 regions so yeah they arent expecting that much but at least its a realistic number that can be reached meaning theyll most likely at least make a small profit.

The game's situation in Japan is a weird one. The hype train is still around hence the low drop-off from 18-8k, as we all know, games dissapear within their third or forth week, but that hasnt been the case meaning there was indeed a shortage. But by the time MS restock will the hype still be around? I was really hoping the game would push more 360s as what BD did, that was enough to make MSs effort this gen an overwhelming success compared to last

Lets hope it does well in NA, im predicting around 200-300k, and EU, if it ever sees release around 100k.
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outlawauron posted 01/09/2008, 06:23
Shadowblind, eh its a bit different here. Most stores are not or will not be getting any in. Those who do have it didn't even have it on shelves. It's selling like a usual Tales game from what I've heard.
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Shadowblind posted 31/08/2008, 11:49
Jpelles, if your right, then my spirits are raised. I very well think this game has a chance to sell Symphonia's way, if not better.

You have to believe.
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jpelles posted 31/08/2008, 08:40
Sold out in a lot of stores i've gone to. Walmart, Best Buy, and Target. All told me they had from 5-20 and sold out.

Got a Special Edition at Fry's. Great pick up. Great game.

I think this has a chance of doing as well as Lost Oddesy and doing if not a million real close to it.
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outlawauron posted 31/08/2008, 06:39
Goodness I caved in. Why are there so many Tales fanboys on this forum!
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sc94597 posted 31/08/2008, 05:33
Excellent game. Best 360 game, and one of the best games this generation.
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SHMUPGurus posted 30/08/2008, 06:23
Haha, I'm enjoying this game so much. Tales at its best! ^^
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Shadowblind posted 29/08/2008, 03:49
The most fantastic Tales game ever made. Without a doubt. Best that they have ever made, and probably the best JRPG I've played this generation!
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Riachu posted 29/08/2008, 12:54
The game just came out. I still don't have it yet because I want to beat LO first
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 29/08/2008, 12:32
Game Owners (8 total)

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pbroy posted 27/08/2008, 06:09
It's not region locked?
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Riachu posted 27/08/2008, 05:25
This is exactly why GameFly should allow people to rent systems as well as games
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Naum posted 25/08/2008, 09:55
OK just checked the release for euro....2009... ok guess it's stime to import my first 360 game

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Riachu posted 25/08/2008, 09:54
ToV seems to be getting more fanfare than the typical Tales game does in the US
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Naum posted 25/08/2008, 09:52
Umm no Euro release? not even gonna be released here?
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Shadowblind posted 24/08/2008, 07:36
@ stickball

heres to hoping. We've been building a fiar amount of hype over the game across the web, but not really close to enough.
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mrstickball posted 24/08/2008, 06:36
I wonder how bad the lack of X360 supply in Japan is hurting ToV.

Hopefully the Tales defense force does Vesperia justice, and buys a ton of copies in NA.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 24/08/2008, 10:54
I'm talking about Japan only
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Riachu posted 24/08/2008, 06:37
Are you talking about about US sales?
If you are, I think ToV can sell atleast as much as BD
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 23/08/2008, 11:33
I don't think ToV will beat BD
I don't think it will sell more than 90K

anyway .. I hope to see a game that beat BD in Japan
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Riachu posted 23/08/2008, 06:38
BD has been out in Japan for over 1.5 years while ToV has only been out in Japan for over 2 weeks. ToV's total sales will match if not beat BD's if the sales can hold out long enough
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 23/08/2008, 01:19
BD sold more then ToV
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WiiBox3 posted 22/08/2008, 08:47
Wow beat LO's total JPN sales in the first week.
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arsenal009 posted 22/08/2008, 07:26
I think it's the most sold 360 game in japan, not bad if u ask me.
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regin2005 posted 22/08/2008, 01:59
Man, I wish more people in Japan bought this game!!!
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arsenal009 posted 22/08/2008, 07:39
Umm... I'm pretty sure the one w the pink hair is a girl.
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pbroy posted 17/08/2008, 06:43
Feminine looking guys is the new thing. Kicking ass while still looking pretty.
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Egghead posted 16/08/2008, 02:39
I agree with Final, ToS2 was on the Wii, thats roughly 9 times the userbase, but unfortunately it had NO legs, fortunately it did however follow the trend of doubling its first week sales lifetime and is still selling at a steady pace. Who knows, it may go on to sell around 170k, but the hardware is important too. I think itll push 100k 360s max.
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arsenal009 posted 16/08/2008, 02:44
That dude w the purple hair looks pretty gay

Other than that, this game looks awesome, wish i had a 360 for this.
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Edouble24 posted 15/08/2008, 08:23
Damn it, someone added the lame boxart
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Edouble24 posted 15/08/2008, 02:29
Someone edit in the CE boxart, it's much better
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FinalEvangelion posted 14/08/2008, 08:01
108k for MC. ToS2 did 137k first week MC. Pretty good for Vesperia.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 12/08/2008, 11:06
it sold in first week more than what LO sold on its entire life
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 12/08/2008, 11:03
If it sell in NA as well as it sold in Japan .. I think it will hit a million
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Egghead posted 08/08/2008, 02:35
Was wrong, 70k not including bundles!

Hardcore gaming might live on!
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Egghead posted 08/08/2008, 03:35
ToV has 50k first day already not including bundles, incredible! We may see BD success!
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Roy03 posted 01/08/2008, 06:21
I hope this game will do well in Japan, maybe pass 100k, would be sad to see it bomb.
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Bagaren85 posted 01/08/2008, 01:05
Looks so good. Its now my most anticipated rpg for this year, hype passes fable 2, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, FXIII, and Star Ocean 4.

It will own ES hard time.
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outlawauron posted 31/07/2008, 09:50
@ slimebeast or anyone else

Want a friendly bet that this game won't pass 500k by August 2009.
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oliist posted 31/07/2008, 09:20
The us release date is the 26th of August and not the 19th.
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Shadowblind posted 30/07/2008, 06:47
August 7.
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De85 posted 30/07/2008, 05:04
I tried the demo and it wasn't really my style so I'll probably pass, but I can see it selling well to anime fans.

Does anyone know the Japanese release date?
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sc94597 posted 30/07/2008, 12:41
@Shadowblind The demo wasn't hard at all. I only played Symphonia and Destiny but there were parts in those games that were much harder than the Demo. The boss was easy if you target all of the smaller enemies then you focus on him. I agree with everything else though.
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sc94597 posted 30/07/2008, 12:39
The demo was excellent. This is my most anticipated Rpg on the 360 this year. Next year will probably be star ocean.
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Shadowblind posted 21/07/2008, 03:42
Many possible sales issues:

1) tHE RELEASE DATE IS VERY BAD. Ahem, caps lock; the release date is sandwiched between Too Human(hugely anticipated RPG) and Infinite Undiscovery(another moderately anticipated RPG). The date could be either 19th or 26th, both bad times, since hardcore RPG fans probably will have to choose between these three RPGs because of monetary issues.

2) The difficulty has been "upped" significantly because Namco thinks the 360 crowd is insanely hardcore. The thing is, most people, including the people on IGN can't even BEAT the demo. That is a very bad sign.

3) It will more then likely have crummy box art that has the insecure people saying "oh that ame looks to gay". This was the case with eternal sonata, another similarly styled RPG.

I'm a huge Tales fan, and want this game to do very well. Unfortuneatly, things are looking very bad for it right now...

P.S. The demo is tough, but it just shows people need to use strategy. When they do its rather easy. The game looks fantastic though.
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squall747 posted 08/07/2008, 10:27
I've been a Tales fan since Tales of Destiny on PSOne and have bought all Tales games since then and will be doing so with Tales of Vesperia on launch day. It's looking pretty good so far.

P.S. Why would someone want a classic jrpg like this that's been around for years to fail??
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sc94597 posted 22/06/2008, 02:57
@swordplay That is very fanboyish of you. Symphonia will do better, but I could see this doing good too. I predict 500k.
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Slimebeast posted 14/06/2008, 09:09
I predict 84% on Gamerankings, and 700,000 copies lifetime sales
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swordplay posted 11/06/2008, 01:31
I hope it fails to sell 300,000 worldwide.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (401)

1 106,421 n/a n/a 106,421
2 18,298 n/a n/a 18,298
3 8,055 n/a n/a 8,055
4 5,002 49,164 n/a 9,304 63,470
5 3,299 12,249 n/a 2,339 17,887
6 5,078 5,665 n/a 1,117 11,860
7 2,805 3,195 n/a 630 6,630
8 2,201 1,913 n/a 381 4,495
9 1,854 1,547 n/a 310 3,711
10 1,548 1,322 n/a 264 3,134
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piggychan posted 06/09/2013, 11:16
I think we need to update the sales here for japan as wiki has them at over 200k
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 04/12/2012, 06:43

Rustled jimmies much?
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Clowyd posted 06/06/2012, 11:23
The only reason this great game was forced onto the Xbox360 crap heap is because microsoft padded their pockets, and it's a real shame.
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DitchPlaya posted 14/04/2012, 01:43
Unfortunately, the US sales are quite a bit off, but good sales nonetheless. Just a shame though that Namco decided no more Tales games for the 360, hopefully a Xilia port?
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Zim posted 13/02/2012, 11:09
Most definitely the best Jrpg this generation. If the Tales team had a FF sized budget it would be epic.
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