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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー XIII


Square Enix



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

03/09/10 Square Enix
12/17/09 Square Enix
03/09/10 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 1,025
Favorite: 70
Tracked: 30
Wishlist: 100
Now Playing: 78

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) > Opinions (823)

 1  2  3  4  5  9 
Ideas posted 20/02/2011, 05:29
i think it should do over 4 million easily coz there aren't that much JRPG's to play, but i could be wrong!
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jadakiss1217 posted 14/02/2011, 05:32
I predict 2.5-3.3 million
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yahoocom1984 posted 13/02/2011, 06:27
I predict 3 million
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A203D posted 12/02/2011, 09:13
thats combined, PS3 and 360.
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A203D posted 12/02/2011, 09:13
Less than 2mil, i think anything over 4mil will be success, but i expect 2mil.
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Ideas posted 12/02/2011, 05:38
@A03D so what sales r u predicting for FFXIII-2??
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A203D posted 09/02/2011, 07:06
Keep the receipt man, they might give you your money back when you decide you've had enough next week. you wont get much for a trade in unfortunately.
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dobby985 posted 08/02/2011, 11:58
@A203D Just got a copy. £12 Brand new!
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A203D posted 08/02/2011, 08:21
Oh and both versions have been in the bargain bin for quite some time now; which explains a lot imho.
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A203D posted 08/02/2011, 08:18
Sandylecuistot - a lot of people who bought this are FF fans which is why it sold so much; not on the basis of merit by on the basis of being an RPG; we'll see how badly FF13 has damaged the FF name when FF13-2 comes out. i have no doubt the sales of that game will be a lot lower than this. so all those people who keep saying FF13 is 'the best FF, best RPG of 2010' are going to have some explaining when FF13-2 retails.
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Biddles posted 05/02/2011, 03:43
Undertracked 40,000 in Japan.
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DakonBlackblade posted 05/02/2011, 03:03
Disagree completly, one of the best FFs I ever played (and I have played everyone of them from 3 up including the handheld spinofs and remakes). I like how this behave like GT5, reviewers trash it and sales keep going well.
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Sandylecuistot posted 04/02/2011, 11:25
one of the worst Rpg I know. It Absolutely doesn't deserve the number of copies sold. It's really sad...
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Biddles posted 04/02/2011, 05:35
It may reach 5 million on this version and 2 million on Xbox.
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Boutros posted 03/02/2011, 09:11
Can't wait for 5 million!
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/01/2011, 11:56
Final fantasy blows
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Gearbox posted 28/01/2011, 11:46
5* not 10
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Gearbox posted 28/01/2011, 11:46
@kiefer23 - considereing 2 in 5 people with ps3s in japan have this its amazing. if eema had that attachment it would have sold over 10 mil there!
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Biddles posted 28/01/2011, 04:14
No FF game would have sold aswell if it wasnt called Final Fantasy.
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kiefer23 posted 24/01/2011, 11:24
worst legs in japan ever
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Galvanizer posted 22/01/2011, 11:13
Totally agree with A203D. If it wasn't called FF13, it would not have sold as well and got as high scores. It would have sold like The Last Remnant if it wasn't called FF13.
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A203D posted 21/01/2011, 10:24
Kinneas14, we dont know that. FF13 was basically a new IP with FF13 on the box, every other new IP from Sqaure this gen has been met with very poor critical and commercial reception. why would this new IP not be met with the same reception. if it didnt have FF on the box, i think it wouldve been worst, maybe even.... Infinite Undiscovery worst.
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Kinneas14 posted 21/01/2011, 04:51
Not bad, but not good. If It wasn't called 'Final Fantasy' would have been one of the best game of this gen! :)
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A203D posted 17/01/2011, 09:24
Aiddon. the only man who would've done anything about is Sakaguchi, but Wada is not a game designer, hes a business man. however Galvanizer has given me some faith that its possible Matsuno could write the script, but Hiroyuki is a very capable director, he directed FF9, FF12, and co-directed FF6. (oh and he created Triple Triad). so i have faith even if Matsuno is not there, the Tactics team and Ito can do an excellent job.
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VXIII posted 17/01/2011, 05:55
@Yamaneko22. Nomura was the character designer in this game nothing more , you must be talking about Motomu Toriyama ... the game director & scenario writer.
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Aiddon posted 16/01/2011, 04:14
@A203D That's the only way I can see Matsuno's boys coming back, but Square would never allow that. The FF series is now the poster boy of executive meddling and the execs are too scared gutless of losing money to try anything radical with it. Ironic considering VII was a BIG shakeup for its time.
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Yamaneko22 posted 16/01/2011, 03:10
Nomura should be kept as far as possible from FF series. We don't want more games like this one.
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Galvanizer posted 15/01/2011, 02:29
@Rob-Ot. But that's the thing, the plot never put ME to sleep and I found the villains and NPCs better than every other FF in the series. I agree tht the main party were poor but they purposely chose not to focus on them. How is that then a downfall of the game? Yes, there are now two KH teams. One is based in Osaka and the other is based in Tokyo making Versus XIII. But you have to take note of te fact that Nomura has said the reason KH3 is not yet being made is because the "main" KH team is busy with Versus. He also said that after Versus he wants to focus 100% on Kingdom Hearts. There's no way that Nomura's team will make FF15. His team will move on to KH3 and KH4 after that and the Osaka team will keep making handheld KH games.
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Rob-Ot posted 15/01/2011, 01:25
There are 2 K H teams present now, Nomura can work on both FF15 and KH3 at the same time
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Rob-Ot posted 15/01/2011, 01:24
@Galvanizer... your wrong he never said that. He did that to focus on what was selling better now, less story focussed games. Xenoblade is nothing like FF12 because from what I hear the plot doesn't put you to sleep and the characters aren't awful, just because its semi open world means its like FF12? Get your definitions checked. FF12 team doesn't deserve to do FF15, only Nomura's team does or if Matsuno comes back. Xenogears shits all over any other RPG, your just bitter because the complexity of the plot was too much for you to handle, deal with it.
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reviniente posted 15/01/2011, 06:01
Vagrant Story is my favorite. The elegant RPG.
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Galvanizer posted 14/01/2011, 09:34
@Rob-Ot. If the Director of Xenogears says it's no longer the type of RPG that he wants to make then it's a shit game. He instead followed the style created by FF12 when he made Xenoblade for Wii. And Nomura's team doing FF15? What the fuck are you talking about? Nomura has said numerous times that his team will focus 100% on the Kingdom Hearts series when Versus XIII comes out. The only teams that will make FF15 are the FF13 team or the FF12 team. Seeing as the FF13 team is making FF13-2, the FF12 team is the one making FF15. Shut the fuck up and deal with it.
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Rob-Ot posted 14/01/2011, 02:27
I agree Aiddon Matsuno won't do that again, the water ha spilt over the head of the bucket. Nomura's team will do FF15
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Rob-Ot posted 14/01/2011, 02:26
@Galvanizer... Xenogears is the best game of all time. Maybe the story was too hard for you to understand, probably the reason since you like poor games like FF12.
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A203D posted 13/01/2011, 08:25
Tbh guys, after some of the developer interviews with some of the FF12 staff, i think they would definitly do another FF, on the condition of no interference. and i think a lot of them will want to because the series may now be in their hands since FF13 was appaling.
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Aiddon posted 13/01/2011, 06:43
no, I doubt he'll EVER touch FF again after XII's cluster**** development and I doubt any of the team will want to as well. Too much stress and too much meddling which are NOT WORTH IT.
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Galvanizer posted 13/01/2011, 06:15
@Aiddon. Matsuno can still work on a main series FF but he'll just be freelance and work on the story only. He will not ever direct a FF game again as he no longer works for Sqex. I think should the FF12 team make FF15 then he will write the story for it.
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BroFe posted 13/01/2011, 04:47
great sales for the worst FF ever and one of the most disappointing RPGs I've ever played. The only interesting thing about this crap is the masked lesbian relationship between Fang and Vanille.
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Aiddon posted 12/01/2011, 05:15
why exactly they decided to keep the series on life support with this after the abysmal 12 I will NEVER understand. Too bad Matsuno will never touch the series again.
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Galvanizer posted 12/01/2011, 03:29
Proof that the Director of Xenoblade no longer like putting all the effort in story and character development and instead wants to focus on the world and gameplay: So you hate FF12 but the guy who fucking made Xenogears is following the style it introduced. Man, just GTFO of here!
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Galvanizer posted 12/01/2011, 03:24
@Rob-Ot. I'm OK with you not liking FF12 but saying it's bad games is what pisses me off about you. And Xenogears? That was a fucking interactive movie and the Director of that even admitted it and said he not ever going to make a game like that again. He made Xenoblade on Wii to play like FF12 so the Director of Xenogears hates the approach of Xenogears (your fave game) and following the style introduced by FF12. If that doesn't show you have bad taste as a gamer then I don't know what will.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 12:03
And no I am not going to watch FF12 cut scenes on youtube, the game is 4 years old, my mind is made up on it, I gave it another chance 1 year ago but it was just as bad as I remembered it.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 11:56
@The Xbox Man... FF12 was too mature for us fans to handle? Don't make me laugh. Good writing, no melodrama and sullen faces of characters doesn't suddenly make a game get the maturity of some oscar movie. Xenogears is more mature than FF12, I could understand it fine when I played it when I was 12 years old. And FF13's linearity would still be criticized 5 years ago. But I agree, as we get older we do tend to get less attached to characters and less amazed by fanatastical stories. Like I said FF7, FF6 and FF9 managed to appeal to everyone (maybe even FF8). So why can't they do that again? Why can't they make a Final Fantasy that will appeal to everyone. What happens if many younger fans of FF13 get alienated by FF15 if its too "mature" for them to handle like you said about FF12. No if the series needs to grow it needs to go back and see what made FF6-9 appeal to everyone and do that again.
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The Xbox Man posted 12/01/2011, 11:50
@Rob-Ot... your missing the point. I didn't say the characters are good, I said they are weak but the plot is excellent and the villains are great. Like galvanizer said the game wanted to focus on world development not character development. I advise you to watch the cut scenes from FF12 on youtube and pay attention to the dialogues to see how interesting it is. The parallels in many events in FF12 with the real world is good and the game explores some concepts that no FF game has, you weren't paying attention while playing FF12 because like you said the game bored you. So now go to youtube and watch cut scenes of the game from the beginning, see it as a movie. I am sure you will understand and like the story more.
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The Xbox Man posted 12/01/2011, 11:47
@Rob-Ot... they are not abandoning old fans. FF12 was aimed at the older audience. The problem FF12 and FF13 wnet through is one appealed to a older audience and many FF fans weren't old enough to appreciate it while FF13 appealed to a much younger audience (Its not sold well just on hype, many younger people like the game and are reccomending it to friends) and by then most FF fans had gotten much older can't appreciate the many strengths FF13 has. FF7-10 came at a right time and appealed to FF fans while they were at that certain age, then the progression stopped with FF12 which was too mature for many FF fans to handle. If FF13 had instead been FF12 and released 5 years ago it would have a much better reception among fans, and if FF12 was released this year instead of FF13 it would also have a better reception among fans. I think FF15 will appeal to older fans again, this time I think FF fans are old enough to appreciate it.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 11:41
@The xbox Man... you have a valid point on characters. Its a fact that as we get older we get less fascinated by narratives such as FF13 and get much less attached to characters. My younger brother loved FF13 unlike me, he felt a connection to its characters and even liked the story so do most of his friends. But the problem is why is FF not aimed at me anymore? Why is it being aimed at 10-15 year olds? Are they going to be loyal to the series? Why are they abandoning fans like me in favour of younger people? Why can they make a game like FF7 or FF9 that appeals to all ages not just teenagers. That is the issue here.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 11:39
@The Xbox Man... your justification for why FF12's story is meant to be this "great" thing I don't "get" is weak. You keep saying its mature and the dialogue leads to different meanings, but so what? That still doesn't make a good story. Play Xenogears if you want a game witha good story. It has chemistry between characters, interesting concepts explored, depth in the narrative and great pacing that flows. FF12 did not flow, it was 5 hours treks through dungeons then a 1 minute cut scene that half develops characters. FF12 had too less cut scenes, FF13 had too many.
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The Xbox Man posted 12/01/2011, 11:33
FF12 did have a mature storyline, the writing led to different meanings behind each dialogue. Yes the combat system and character development are the weakest in the series in FF12 but the story is not a weak point, you just didn't get the story if you think its bad.
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The Xbox Man posted 12/01/2011, 11:31
@Rob-Ot... You were probably 10 years old when you played FF7, of course you wouldn't realize it had teen melodrama at that age. FF13's and FF10's and FF8's teen melodrama is no less than FF7's... it just seems more melodramatic to you now because of Voice Acting and because you are older. Its harder for you to get attached to gaming characters and be amazed by fanatastical stories as you get older. FF13 is aimed at the 10-15 teen crowd, its not aimed at you. My daughter was so attached to the characters that she cried when Vanille/Fang died at the end. We are all older now, we can't get attached to the characters in the same way we may have when we were younger.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 11:29
@The Xbox Man... A mature story doesn't a good story make. FF7 didn't have teen melodrama so much, its FF8 and FF10 that had it and then FF13. FF7 was more mature because Sakaguchi was still mostly involved.
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The Xbox Man posted 12/01/2011, 11:24
This was a great game (the battle system is among the best in the genre) and so was FF12 (its mature storyline was refreshing after teen melodrama in FF7,8,10), Shut your whining Robot and Galvanizer. This game should get to 5 Million soon, well deserved.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 11:19
The Toriyama team must make more fabula nova crystallis games. FFXV should go to Nomura.
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2011, 11:18
@Galvanizer... a mature and realistic story does not a good story make or an entertaining story. FFIX has one of the least mature stories in the series but it is miles ahead of FF12 because it was interesting and the cast had chemistry with one another. I prefer an interactive CGI movie with entertaining characters and a battle system that doesn't bore me to death to a bland game with a cast that has no chemistry with one another, half cooked villains and a boring story (again mature and realistic doesn't make for a interesting story). Thankfully FFXIII outsold FF12 by a lot and has a higher user rating here so most people agree. The Ivalice team should be banned from making any future Final Fantasy after the disaster that was the shitty FF12.
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Galvanizer posted 11/01/2011, 06:36
This was a shit game. It was an interactive CGI movie.
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Galvanizer posted 11/01/2011, 06:34
I hope that FFXV is et in Ivalice and made by the FFXII team. The Kitase team should just stick with the Fabula Nova Crystallis for the rest of this gen.
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A203D posted 09/01/2011, 08:52
I agree with that last point Galvanizer, the story was very good for the 2nd half of the game. the only thing i felt was that the characters wernt connected enough to the central story. and i think that the final villan couldve been better. i think the espers would've played a bigger part as well, as their rebellion against the gods is very important to the story, but never completely fleshed out. Hirkuchan, no one at SE is talking about Matsuno's departure, i'm not saying i know what happened, but i think from what we know its obvious that he walked away in what were 'undesirable' circumstances, which led to a less than stellar product. which is a first for Matsuno's team.
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Galvanizer posted 09/01/2011, 08:08
@Rob-Ot As I said, you just didn't "get" FF12. The game was not supposed to be focused on the party members and story. It was more focused on the world setting and the villains. FF12 has some of the best villains and NPCs in the series as they have depth. The villains have logical reasoning for their actions. The party were mostly bland but that's because the development team wanted to put more fous on the story of the people you were not playing as rather than the ones you were. And what the fuck are you saying that FF12 had a bad story? It has one of the most mature, realistic and eloquent stories of any JRPG ever made. GTFO with that BS statement.
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Rob-Ot posted 09/01/2011, 11:42
@A203D.... I agree one good thing about FF12 was them getting rid of theteen melodrama that plagues FF8, 10 and 13. However thats no excuse for making almost all the cast boring. Uncharted has no melodrama yet all the characters are fun and interesting.
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Rob-Ot posted 09/01/2011, 11:40
@Galvanizer... Why would I turn off gambits when they are an integral part of the set up. And I actually did once or twice, but guess what the personality devoid characters and awful story put me to sleep then. FF12 isn't great, its awful even after I tried it by "turning off gambits" as it has very little other redeeming features, were it not for FF14 it would be my worst Final Fantasy.
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Galvanizer posted 08/01/2011, 08:47
@Rob-Ot If FF12 put you to sleep then you should have setup the gameplay to make you press more buttons. As I said before, put everyone off Gambits or just put your party leader off Gambits and play it like FF13 which you managed to finish. If you were so retarded that you played the game in a way to make you have to not pay much attention and thus fall asleep then that's your fault and not the games. FF12 is great, you just didn't "get" it.
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haxxiy posted 07/01/2011, 03:07
I wonder if it'll reach 5m.
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hikaruchan posted 07/01/2011, 12:12
@A203D Matsuno san was not forced out he go sick that is the truth believe it or not. and this not not the most appropriate place to be discussing this.
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A203D posted 07/01/2011, 10:02
But the problem is Vaan was not meant to be in it. FF12 had great elements, but Ito (the director who took over) cities problems with the FF Tactics team and the PLayonline team which led to a worst story. theres no doubt had Matsuno continued until the end, it wouldve been phenominal like Tactics Ogre, Vagrant Story or FF Tactics. but it is rumoured he was forced out because he tried to depart FF12 from the melodrama of FF10, 10-2, and now FF13. imo the game is only peices of what it shouldve been, and we'll never know what Matsuno had in store for us. because the developers made the game a different way.
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Rob-Ot posted 06/01/2011, 06:56
Your making a fool out of yourself Galvanizer, saying peopels tastes in games is bad based on preference of 1 game and so on. You have come across as very ignorant, no point in talking with you. My poiny will remain, FF12 put me to sleep out of boredom, FF13 kept me playing to the end, so no there is no way that my experience with FF12 was better than FF13 as I could actually finish one of them.
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Galvanizer posted 04/01/2011, 03:52
@A203D But FF12 wasn't even broken, though. Just because there are long hours of gameplay between cut-scenes does not mean the game is broken. FF12 just put gameplay importance above story and too many FF fans were not used to that setup in a FF. I think the game is fine the way it is. Vaan is not even meant to be the leader of the group and key aspect of the story, he's only the players avatar and point of view. Vaan is a lot like how Link was in the story of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Midna was the leader and had the story revolve around her but Link was the players avatar and point of view.
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A203D posted 02/01/2011, 11:45
Galvanizer, i agree with what you've said. FF12 was a serious, mature, realistic game in comparasion to FF13. but Rob-Ot does have some good points. i felt FF12 was a broken game, and was treated very badly in comparasion to FF13. had Matsuno completed FF12, with Basch as the main character theres no doubt it wouldve been phenominal!
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Gearbox posted 01/01/2011, 08:24
yea emeaa seems kinda odd...
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whatz3rname posted 31/12/2010, 09:20
It's christmas and it only sold 682 copies in EMEA? Yeah, right...
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Ali-Kharazi posted 31/12/2010, 05:23
@the people belowVVVV :FF13 and FF12 were both good.
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Biddles posted 30/12/2010, 03:43
Just be quiet Galvanizer youre making a fool of yourself.
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Galvanizer posted 30/12/2010, 07:35
@Rob-Ot You have bad taste in games if you found this better than FF12. The plot was in FF12 was focused on the world and the nemeies rather than the party and it was well done. None of the characters were 1 dimensional in FF12 while all the party members in FF13 are straight out of an anime. FF12 also has the best battle system in the series. GTFO if you couldn't use to your liking. Turn Gambits off for the party leader next time and leave your party members on Gambits. That way it will play more like the shit fest of FF13 that you liked more. Seriously, how anyone can say FF13 is better than FF12 in gameplay and story is beyond retarded.
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haxxiy posted 27/12/2010, 04:02
Final Fantasy needs to reboot. Western developers, less angsty teens and more wowza scenery.
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pslee posted 27/12/2010, 03:58
this game was pretty good. not as good as FF7 or FF10 but still i enjoyed the quality of the game. no complaints
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Rob-Ot posted 27/12/2010, 03:52
@Galvanizer....... FF12 was the most boring game I've ever played. The plot, 1 dimensional characters, music, battle system, everything put me to sleep. Who cares about exploration when the battle system is snooze worthy, characters are boring and the music is a cure for insomnia. FF12 was terrible, this game is much better.
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Ideas posted 25/12/2010, 04:28
i liked FF12.the only week point was its story wasn't that interesting.overall for me the best one was FFX while FF12 and FF13 are a tie for me.FF12 had a weak story line while FF13 is way too easy for hardcore jrpg's player.
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Galvanizer posted 25/12/2010, 01:09
FF12 was way better than this. If you think FF12 is worse than this pile of shit then you have bad taste in games. FF12 felt like a video game with a huge world to explore. FF13 felt like a fucking interactive movie with a shit story, retarded characters and linear areas a woman could get raped in.
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Rob-Ot posted 24/12/2010, 11:34
Its far from the best one but also far from the worst one (FF12, FF2)
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Ideas posted 24/12/2010, 02:29
Final Fantasy XIII is showing great legs even though it isn't my best one but still it was good!!!
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Rob-Ot posted 24/12/2010, 02:29
@Italo44...... it can hit 5 million with a re-release
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Rob-Ot posted 24/12/2010, 02:27
Surprised it won RPG of the year users choice on PS3
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ryo59plus posted 24/12/2010, 11:15
very great full game !! the best
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yahoocom1984 posted 24/12/2010, 05:14
Shit game.
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Galvanizer posted 23/12/2010, 04:01
Shit game.
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Boutros posted 22/12/2010, 10:45
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Rob-Ot posted 22/12/2010, 02:46
Uncharted 2 will even outsell MGS4, not just this. Surprising. I am even more surprised FF13 outsold FF12 within a year though, it was much better but I didn't expect it to this quickly. FF13 isn't as good as FF4-9 though.
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Biddles posted 22/12/2010, 12:52
Uncharted 2 was heavily bundled.
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Gearbox posted 18/12/2010, 03:17
im surprised that uncharted 2 is going to outsell this.. would have never guessed it
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NSS7 posted 16/12/2010, 01:38
First PS3 game that sold at least 1 milllion in every region
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italo244 posted 13/12/2010, 11:47
Can hit 5mil on PS3 alone if bundled with price cut PS3.
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Ideas posted 03/12/2010, 04:34
at least the combined sales makes it pass 6m mark which i think is great achievement!!!
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whatz3rname posted 02/12/2010, 07:22
Looks like this will hardly get any boost at all. That saddens me...
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Wei_to_Dawn posted 04/11/2010, 05:16
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postofficebuddy posted 24/10/2010, 06:26
Assuming this gets an international rerelease on PS3 and goes greatest hits in the west this should be able to outsell FF12 on PS3 alone.
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drakesfortune posted 22/10/2010, 04:59
Oh how I missed being able to comment on games and see them through the sales section. So many unanswered questions. VG Chartz felt dead to me when they did that.
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darthdevidem01 posted 21/10/2010, 09:32
@boutros......yeah would be cooler if we didn't have to click on "wall" everytime though!!
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Carl posted 21/10/2010, 03:57
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Boutros posted 21/10/2010, 01:43
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darthdevidem01 posted 21/10/2010, 01:36
OMG game wall back!
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darthdevidem01 posted 31/05/2010, 09:26
lol sshhhh it needs to be a secret for a bit longer..
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Boutros posted 31/05/2010, 09:09
See you on the other side darth.
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darthdevidem01 posted 31/05/2010, 08:49
This is the last time I'll be posting on FFXIII's wall here

{and guys no I'm not leaving, you'll find out why I've said this in a few hours )
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Marco posted 29/05/2010, 01:26
the ps3-game rules! and has better graphic. i will buy it :)
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darthdevidem01 posted 27/05/2010, 11:46
This version of sunleth waterscape (in the new FFXIII Soundtrack Plus) rules

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PS3FTWLUF posted 27/05/2010, 07:49
oh and btw i don't Think Vgchartz count The middle east and the rest of the world... Squeenix Statment is about 200k in those regions that's a bonus :) so 5.55m to date on both consoles COOL! it almost gonna beat FFXII
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AkibaFan posted 27/05/2010, 04:11
it relesed in China today, will ther be sales rise?
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NSS7 posted 27/05/2010, 12:36
First and the only HD game that sold million all region. Well there is only one HD game that sold million in Japan. Next one could be FF Versus XIII, GT5 (low chance), DQXI, KH3 or next RE (RE5 sold 700k)
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FantasySky posted 27/05/2010, 01:36
down quite abit in japan. shame
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Munkeh111 posted 26/05/2010, 07:59
@ theo, if they are churning them out by conveyor belt, they better get a new one, 3 years between releases is more than plenty (even more of a wait outside of Europe)

And 5.3m is probably enough on both consoles, but it could make 6.5-7m eventually
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VXIII posted 26/05/2010, 03:46
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VXIII posted 26/05/2010, 03:44
It was likely to happen as SE said they sold ( shipped ) 1.85 in japan
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Iveyboi posted 26/05/2010, 03:20
Down-justed in japan whoaa
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Meowster posted 26/05/2010, 05:03
It sold more than IX and X-2.. one more week and it will out-sell XII. Then it will go up against VIII.. which I don't think it'll be close to reaching; lifetime sales will bring it to about 6mil or 7mil, if sales keep going the way they are. (combining both 360 and ps3)
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Theo posted 26/05/2010, 04:22
How profitable was it? Did it sell as well as they had hoped? And does that mean we're gonna see more uninspired FF titles churned out on a conveyor belt?
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Meowster posted 25/05/2010, 09:08
I guess the massive advertising in Europe was well worth it.. it is amazing how much it is pulling in.

The eventual re-releases in Japan (not including International stuff, if made) should boost sales a bit.
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AkibaFan posted 25/05/2010, 08:27

SE shipmnt revealed jpn was overtracked & europe ws undertracked, so eu isnt overtrcked atm
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Ideas posted 25/05/2010, 08:10
i just hope others isn't also being over tracked!!!JP sales are a big let down!
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AkibaFan posted 25/05/2010, 07:05
wow at this rate europe cud beat jpn in sales fr the first time evr, wow. ff has lost big ground in jpn.

overall adjustd down by only 50K so no biggie, bt it dus make japan numbers luk evn worse thn be4
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zgamer5 posted 25/05/2010, 06:46
look at the japan numbers, guess the franchise will never hit 2 million their anmore.
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AkibaFan posted 24/05/2010, 05:13
shud get to 5 million
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A203D posted 23/05/2010, 04:22
@pslee. yeah fair enough i suppose there are dedicated forums to this sort of thing. i didnt expect anyone to care.
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pslee posted 23/05/2010, 03:23
A203D, do you work for SE? you cant survey 4 million people here buddy.
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Sensei posted 22/05/2010, 10:25
I got myself a PS3 because of this game and I really like it - no regrets.
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darthdevidem01 posted 21/05/2010, 10:54

Yeah the chinese launch, dunno if it'll sell much in China though, who knows how strong their market is there.
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yum123 posted 21/05/2010, 08:43
this should get a boost either this weel or next cause its coming out in asia sometime around now i think
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Munkeh111 posted 21/05/2010, 08:25
Going very well, and will get to 5m at the least
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The Xbox Man posted 21/05/2010, 04:42

Stop being ludicrous, the game isn't a flop on either platform. Has it lost money? No, so it can't be called a flop. End of.
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A203D posted 21/05/2010, 02:50
@akibafan & Fab_GS.
its sold better on the Xbox in the EU than Mass Effect 2, that came out 2 months eairler and that recieved much better press.

its about to pass ME 1 in EU. but i think it has been a flop in JP, its the lowest selling FF since 6 i believe.

the NA sales and EU sales will for the first time in the series history surpass JP individually. EU might even surpass US.
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Fab_GS posted 21/05/2010, 02:15
Learn what "flop" means before using it.
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AkibaFan posted 21/05/2010, 01:51
@the xbox man

the game is flop on xbox, it hs nt done well on it, plz stop spreding hate on ps3 versins wall.
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AkibaFan posted 21/05/2010, 01:48

I dnt knw why on net lots ov ppl r acting like the game has horrible word of mouth because in my college, social places I go to th game has a very good word of mouth especially amng new ppl who came to th series because of it.

tht has helped sales, marketing did bt I dnt knw why all adverts luked like they wer targetting girls, nt males which is FF demographc
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A203D posted 21/05/2010, 01:30
Well i heard M$ paid for Sqaures marketing... that probabily helped just a

i was actully at the UK launch of FF13 with Kitase and Kamiyoko. and the amount of fans there was abosolutly staggering. so because of advertising, word of mouth, it seems to have become more mainstream.
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VivaLaWiida posted 21/05/2010, 01:11
Europe doesn't love JRPGS, do they? :P
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VivaLaWiida posted 21/05/2010, 01:11
Europe doesn't love JRPGS, do they? :P
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A203D posted 21/05/2010, 10:40
@squallstrife & routsunmanman
i think the combined PS360 sales are higher in US than EU. but i think EU sales could end up being the stronger than the US. its not far from 2mil in EU combined PS360.

then again it looks like the popularity of JRPGS are declining the US with the success of Mass Effect and Oblivion. so it could be the first time EU tops US.

its good because it means that Square will take a bigger interest in the EU market. less than 1 million to go in EU before it tops FF7 EU sales, hopefully those legs hold.
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Squall Strife posted 20/05/2010, 09:38

There are more PS3-Systems in Europe than in NA and the 360-Version sold better in NA, so it could be possible that this figures are correct.
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routsounmanman posted 20/05/2010, 06:16
I think Other could be a little overtracked. Either that, or Americas are undertracked.

Surely FF is more popular in America than Europe?
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/05/2010, 02:10
@The Xbox Man

That makes no sense, lets talk pure sales not "omg ff13 went multplatz!!!111"

Pure sales show us that FF13 has sold 4 times as much on PS3 THAN on Xbox 360 -- Win Number 1

Pure sales show us FF13 is the 5th Best Selling Game on PS3, not even in the top 50 on 2

Pure sales show us the Xbox 360 had the top selling JRPG before FF13 released (Lost Oddessy) so your point on that didn't make sense.

The sales are more impressive on PS3.
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Wagram posted 20/05/2010, 01:27
It has outsold Call of Duty: World at War!

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TBL posted 20/05/2010, 12:39

FFXIII has indeed done well on the 360 but claiming the sales are more impressing then the PS3 considering the history of JRPG's on the console is nonsense, there are 9 million more 360's then PS3's in America. you do the math and tell me if those sales are impressing.

You could have just said the game sold incredibly well on the 360 considering it's a JRPG and leave it at that.
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The Xbox Man posted 20/05/2010, 03:26

You haven't played it like you have said on the forums, so I don't see why you should go on hate rampage's against it.


FF13 is the top selling JRPG on xbox 360, last generation no-one could have imagined a Final Fantasy would be topping a million on a xbox platform, that alone makes it far more impressive. The game was expected to do well on PS3, not on xbox.
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Christian973 posted 20/05/2010, 01:59
@Xbox man

It's not that i been hating on the game since it was announced all over the forums, i'm just bitter at the fact this is not the FF that i love and relate too.

Everything is soooo different in this game.

I actually congratulated FF13 on the success because even though FF lately has been irking me, the series still has a place in my heart.
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Gilgamesh posted 20/05/2010, 01:05
Wow huge legs in Others!

America can keep there shooters :P

They don't know real games :)
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/05/2010, 12:52
@The xbox man

How the hell are sales more impressive on xbox 360? Its not even in the top 50 xbox games sold, its the 5th best ps3 game sold on the other hand.

Again you ruin an excellent post with 1 comment like that which makes your post less credible.
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The Xbox Man posted 20/05/2010, 12:23

You have done nothing but hate the game on the forums, despite not even playing it.

Its a supply & demand concept, bargain bins won't change the games total sales at all. If it wasn't lowered in price now it would have been 6 or 9 months in the future & it would have seen higher sales then.

Moral - The game was going to hit 4 Million PS3 regardless.

Xbox sales are far more impressive still.
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Christian973 posted 20/05/2010, 12:10
I'm right here Darth hahaha

Well, at least the bargin bins did it justice.
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sabestar posted 19/05/2010, 11:58
Wow, Others sales are amazing, holding up really well.
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darthdevidem01 posted 19/05/2010, 08:45
Where's the guy that said it would have trouble reaching 4 Million? He said that 2 or 3 weeks ago on this wall.
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Jin_Shihouin posted 19/05/2010, 07:08
Others challenging Japan.

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RockSmith372 posted 19/05/2010, 06:58
5th Best Selling PS3 game! Congrats!
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Frieza posted 19/05/2010, 06:47
Wow adjusted up over 200k
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italo244 posted 19/05/2010, 04:44
4 Milions! nice boost on Others :D
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FantasySky posted 19/05/2010, 04:15
@darthdevidem01 hell we do
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darthdevidem01 posted 19/05/2010, 03:30
boo @ america. We Others people rule
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Fab_GS posted 19/05/2010, 03:23
:-O @ others
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darthdevidem01 posted 19/05/2010, 01:35
@Dark Odin

That will be very very hard if we don't see Japan re-releases.

I hope it can get to atleast over 4.5 Million this year


Yeah it does beg the question, after so much negativity before launch & some negativity after it, the game is going on to sell extremely well & has shown legs for the past few weeks around 50K.

In europe its already outsold FF12 & 9....its a few weeks away from outselling FF8 in Europe, leaving FFX & FF7.
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Wagram posted 19/05/2010, 01:29
It will get to 5M LTD on PS3 I think. JPN re-releases haven't rolled around yet and it hasn't hit Platinum or Greatest hits in the West either.
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aragod posted 19/05/2010, 01:07
wow, insane numbers, guess FF series haven't lost all it's magic yet
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FantasySky posted 19/05/2010, 06:59
WOW!!!!! the game managed to reach 4 million before 10th week. this confirmes it....THIS GAME IS TOTALY EPIC!!!!!
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Dark Odin posted 19/05/2010, 02:26
5,5 by the end of the year!
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naruball posted 18/05/2010, 05:36
6th best selling ps3 game to date!! that's impressive; and it's so close to the 5th one. do you guys think it might sell more than mgs4?
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NSS7 posted 18/05/2010, 05:34
1 more week to outsell COD:World at War (4.01m) and become 5th best selling PS3 game. MGS4 is next target at 4.74m.
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darthdevidem01 posted 18/05/2010, 04:39
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darthdevidem01 posted 18/05/2010, 04:38
adjusted UP in EU, DOWN in NA

Overall adjusted way up
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Fab_GS posted 18/05/2010, 04:05
Adjusted UP!
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AkibaFan posted 18/05/2010, 02:15
hs shipped 5.55 million nw
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 18/05/2010, 01:53
awesome game and great sales, but nowhere close to the hype...
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darthdevidem01 posted 15/05/2010, 08:58
please stop name calling each other guys.
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AkibaFan posted 15/05/2010, 01:55
dude stfu for nt recognizng an opinion
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VivaLaWiida posted 15/05/2010, 11:18
This game didn't flop in any region so stfu now.
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kowhoho posted 15/05/2010, 01:45
God damn it Akiba learn how to type!

On topic, this game was a lot better than I thought it was going to be after all the negative press.
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Wagram posted 14/05/2010, 07:22
On a side note, this game has by FAR the best boss theme ever created. Just so damn EPICAL!
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Wagram posted 14/05/2010, 03:00
Japan sales are fine. Look at the user base when it was released. Over 35% of JPN owners HAD this game.

...and yes I can read smart ass.
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AkibaFan posted 14/05/2010, 02:28

dude cn u read? I sed jpn sales are disappointing. Western sales are amazing, over my expctations. I nevr called worldwide sales disppointing, they r gud.

stp making it seem like i sed sumthing i ddnt.
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Wagram posted 14/05/2010, 01:22
How is it disappointing? The game is like 20k off of 5M total sales, which it will hit next week by the way. It is also on track to outsell FF XII. I wouldn't consider that disappointing.
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thelifatree posted 14/05/2010, 10:21

yay! for akiba using dissapointing instead of flopped
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 13/05/2010, 10:26
Amazing legs.
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AkibaFan posted 13/05/2010, 06:46
thts wht im telling evry1 NSS7, this FF is a MASSIVE success in west, bt in jpn its disappointing sales in comparson!


wth jpn re-releases it will clear 5 million. its 2 bad the xbox 360 sales are so slow
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NSS7 posted 13/05/2010, 06:30
Why Japan sales had very bad legs ? . Way too bad. 1.8 million in first 3 weeks and 0.1 million the rest. Currently sold 1k a week. FF series always front loaded but not as bad as this one.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/05/2010, 06:12
OK legs... It'll clear 4.5 million easily.
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AkibaFan posted 13/05/2010, 02:26

dude I alredy sed sry for trolling the game in deceber, why u brining tht up again & again?

I luved the game eventually bt fine I will say sales in jpn are disappointng now not flop, happy?

vry gud holds in eu, i thought it wud be below 20K weeks ago.
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darthdevidem01 posted 13/05/2010, 02:16
Amazing EU legs, its beating FF12's 9th week in EU with the PS3 version alone, add in the 360 version and its doubling FF12's same week of sales in Europe.


You can call it disappointing sales then according to your expectations which I find HARd to believe were high since you spent most of december & january saying FF13 would suck.
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AkibaFan posted 11/05/2010, 10:45
@all who sed it ddnt flop in jpn

My expctations wer different, for me it flopped in jpn.

I agree reward card r a vry gud thng, I hd two years of rewrds saved & when I asked them how much I had they said £80!
Message | Report posted 10/05/2010, 08:45
I wasnt going to get this game now but it was so cheap. Couldnt resist. Good things come to those who wait. This Game reward card its a good thing. Ordered Lost planet 2 and Demons Souls and got £5 off.
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darthdevidem01 posted 10/05/2010, 08:43


while its obviously much a bigger success in the west, it is under no definition a flop in Japan
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AzureEternal posted 10/05/2010, 04:43
HAHA, a flop in japan? It has sold almost 2 million units there. You, sir, are a complete idiot.
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FantasySky posted 10/05/2010, 05:53
@AkibaFan lol its hardly a big flop in japan shore it didnt match the past games there but it completly destroyed every other ps3 game in japan. i was just pointing out how after the first few weeks of sales in japan games drop like a rock. thats why they start of so fast
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AkibaFan posted 09/05/2010, 03:02

its £18 only at game for this week as special offer so u wer lucky u got it now. my stupid friend gt it from for £37.99...shud i tell him it was cheaper by tht much at game? lol

i stopped my othr friend from getting it off wher its £40, I told him get it from GAME bt put the points u get from it on my card as i told him about the offer. So I got 30 pence too
Message | Report posted 09/05/2010, 02:04
This game is only £18.00 in the UK now so I bought it.
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AkibaFan posted 09/05/2010, 01:00
@fantasy sky

I knw, its a big flop in jpn. Its sold more in NA this week thn it has in japan since the beginning of th year
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FantasySky posted 09/05/2010, 11:53
FINALY IT GOT TO 1.91 MILLION IN JAPAN :P it took it like a month lol
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The Xbox Man posted 09/05/2010, 10:52
5 Million with this version & 2 million with xbox 360 is where it will probably end up in sales, 7 Million overall is a massive number.
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Munkeh111 posted 08/05/2010, 10:07
Still selling nicely, should get to 5m in a long time
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huaxiong90 posted 08/05/2010, 01:14
1 million in North America.
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AkibaFan posted 07/05/2010, 05:27
na went up too!
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Remnant posted 07/05/2010, 10:12
Hehe gonna have to check in-store because yeah online sells out asap lol.
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Remnant posted 07/05/2010, 01:48
With K-mart having it for 30 dollar this entire week, I expect a huge leap for the next week update.
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Wagram posted 07/05/2010, 01:45
FF XIII is well on its way to outselling XII. No one can call this a failure now! :D
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MarshmallowMan posted 07/05/2010, 12:32
Many on this site were prematurely discounting this game's legs. So far, it seems to be doing well. Number 6 seller for the PS3 all time.
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darthdevidem01 posted 06/05/2010, 04:25
Wow at sales, going up in NA & EU.
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Wagram posted 06/05/2010, 02:20
O.o Went up in Americas as well!
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 1   2   3   4   5   9 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (823)

1 1,464,964 n/a n/a 1,464,964
2 179,951 n/a n/a 179,951
3 107,330 n/a n/a 107,330
4 33,571 n/a n/a 33,571
5 16,595 n/a n/a 16,595
6 7,268 n/a n/a 7,268
7 5,256 n/a n/a 5,256
8 3,720 n/a n/a 3,720
9 3,517 n/a n/a 3,517
10 2,147 n/a n/a 2,147
COKTOE posted 09/09/2017, 01:18
A fantastic entry in the series, with it's main flaw being that it takes a very long time for the combat to reveal it's greatness. Makes FF VII look like a pile of oily rags. Set that shit on fire and give FF XIII a try. Before long, you'll be glad Aeris is dead.
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Dadrik posted 05/12/2016, 12:39
Combat was pretty aight, graphics were great, musics were godlike, game was pretty long, but the thing is that the game takes pretty much 25 hours to actually take off and feel like an actual FF game. And it still has meh characters and an average story.

The game isn't THAT awful, but it's certainly painful to play at times, since we know it might end up be great, but we have to stick through hours of ultralinear gameplay before it finally gets interesting.

FF X was very linear too at the beginning, but it at least made up for it with a great story and a shorter "intro", imo.
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VXIII posted 09/01/2016, 05:01
The 4th best selling in the franchise ( 7.45M ) behind VII, X, and VIII .That is without counting the PC version.
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fatslob-:O posted 31/07/2015, 07:32
Looking back I can say it was a great game ... :)
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ExplodingBlock posted 19/06/2015, 09:34
Walk in a straight line, fight easy battle. Repeat
There you go, the entire game in one sentence
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TrevDaRev posted 26/09/2013, 01:24
19th PS3 '5' million seller.
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