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America - Back
03/15/98 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
09/29/00 Electronic Arts
Owners: | 71 | |
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SimCity 3000, the next generation in city simulation, draws players into the cities they create like never before. Users will be able to immerse themselves in a totally 3D environment and view their cities anywhere from street level to 50,000 feet in the air. In SimCity 3000, everything and everyone is moving, simulating, animating and communicating. Players will watch and query their SimCitizens as they go about their daily lives. Sophisticated microsimulators will be built into most buildings allowing for detailed control over businesses and other facilities. Buildings, city scenarios and disasters have been designed in a modular plug-in format so players can load optional sets in the future to enhance and customize their playing experience.
Game Information Updated | oliist | 19th Mar 2011 |
Game Banner Added to Database | okr | 06th Jun 2009 |
Boxart Added | oliist | 09th May 2009 |
Boxart Added | oliist | 09th May 2009 |
Boxart Added | oliist | 09th May 2009 |
Boxart Added | VivaLaWiida | 09th May 2009 |
Boxart Added | VivaLaWiida | 09th May 2009 |
Release Date Added to Database | MontanaHatchet | 08th Mar 2009 |
Release Date Added to Database | MontanaHatchet | 08th Mar 2009 |
Game Information Updated | oliist | 04th Nov 2008 |