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IO Interactive



Release Dates

11/23/00 Eidos Interactive
02/23/01 Eidos Interactive
12/01/00 Eidos Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 47
Favorite: 3
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As the enigmatic Hitman, you must use stealth and tactical problem solving to enter, execute and exit your assignment with minimum attention and maximum effectiveness. For a price, you have access to the most devious devices, but how you use them will determine if you retire as a millionaire or get permanently retired.

The Hitman is the world's most accomplished and wealthy assassin; however, he is plagued by a troubling past of deception and genetic butchery. The ingenious story will evolve over five chapters of heart-stopping action. Remember, the world of contract hits rewards a quick intellect more than a quick trigger finger.


[Eidos Interactive]

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Boxart Added HarryLime 21st Mar 2010
Game Summary added to Database nen-suer 29th Dec 2009
Screenshots Added Rhonin the wizard 10th Oct 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Solid_Snake4RD 01st Sep 2009
Screenshots Added Cowboys4u86 01st Aug 2008
Release Date Added to Database Rhonin the wizard 29th Jul 2008
Release Date Added to Database Rhonin the wizard 29th Jul 2008
Release Date Added to Database Rhonin the wizard 29th Jul 2008

Shipping Total

590,000 Units
As of: April 2009

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