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Release Dates

06/13/20 Sega
(Add Date)
06/13/20 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 6
Favorite: 1
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Inaba—a quiet town in rural Japan sets the scene for budding adolescence in Persona 4 Golden.

A coming of age story that sets the protagonist and his friends on a journey kickstarted by a chain of serial murders. Explore meeting kindred spirits, feelings of belonging, and even confronting the darker sides of one’s self.

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Latest Updates

Game Information Updated Masked_Muchaco 06th Aug 2020
Release Date Added to Database Machina 19th Jun 2020
Release Date Added to Database Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Game Information Updated Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Screenshot Added Machina 19th Jun 2020
Game Summary added to Database Machina 19th Jun 2020

Shipping Total

900,000 Units
As of: March 30th, 2021

Player Total

500,000 Players
As of: July 11th, 2020

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