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Millennium Kitchen Co.



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08/06/24 Spike Chunsoft
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"Party like it's 1999."

By Evan Norris 27th Aug 2024 | 2,014 views 
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A circus troupe comes to Yomogi Town, a rural town in Japan situated between mountains and the ocean. As the son of the circus ringmaster, enjoy a special summer filled with adventures! All of Yomogi Town and the nature surrounding it are an open world where you can enjoy summer to its fullest.

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Game Information Updated spurgeonryan 12th Aug 2024
Release Date Added to Database spurgeonryan 12th Aug 2024
Release Date Added to Database spurgeonryan 12th Aug 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 31st Jul 2024
Boxart Added Machina 31st Jul 2024
Game Summary added to Database Machina 31st Jul 2024

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