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Ambertail Games



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Welcome to Amber Isle - a quaint, friendly village of prehistoric residents who are in need of a new shopkeep... That’s you! Craft and sell items, upgrade your shop, befriend your Paleofolk neighbours and customise the island to bring the village back to life and welcome even more prehistoric pals!

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Screenshot Added Machina 14th Sep 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Sep 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Sep 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Sep 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Sep 2024
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 14th Sep 2024
Boxart Added Machina 14th Sep 2024
Game Summary added to Database Machina 14th Sep 2024
Game Added to Database Machina 14th Sep 2024

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