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Release Dates

08/04/11 Nordcurrent
(Add Date)
08/04/11 Nordcurrent

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Screeching tires, the smell of burned rubber, the rush of adrenaline and enemies that are left in the dust – these are the emotions that drive real racers. However there is much more than this in the world of Monochrome Racing – there is the passion for color! Color is everything here, it is what you strive for, in the world where everything is in black and white. Color is your fuel, color gives you speed, color makes you stronger and ultimately makes you the true leader of the monochrome racing world.


- More than 80 tracks to complete
- More than 10 cars to choose from and upgrade
- Numerous power ups and bonuses that makes your vehicle stronger and your enemies weaker
- Immerse yourself in the mysterious monochrome world!

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