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Alternative Names



Rare Ltd.



Release Dates

11/22/99 Nintendo
12/11/99 Nintendo
12/07/99 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 518
Favorite: 34
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:



Defeating big club enemies
There are three ways to kill the giant club enemies. The first is to blast the music. The second is by using the special move where you hold B. The third and most difficult way is to go close to it. When it swings its club down and it gets stuck in the ground, throw a bomb at it. If you get hit, you will lose two melons. Sometimes it swings its club sideways, so you will not always have a chance to hit it, as it will hit the bomb away.
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Shipping Total

5,270,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2003

Opinion (37)

ExplodingBlock posted 16/07/2014, 11:21
expand dong
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supernihilist posted 27/12/2013, 12:56
great game. amazing graphics for its time
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Fido posted 27/12/2012, 11:33
Masterpiece, although it was almost a bit over the top with the collecting and the content. Probably a bit confusing for some people! Still i had a blast completing the game and i really hope Nintendo rereleases this someday on the VC or as a remake... They could easily replace the JetPack game with one of their own classics from the 80's if that was the problem until now!
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Chevinator123 posted 24/02/2011, 03:48
this is one of my fav games of all time! i wish companys still made "adventure collect" type games =(
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GuyDuke posted 12/02/2010, 06:12
omg I missed so much this game along with all N64 Rare titles... I... I wish Nintendo would make a DKC4
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Leunam posted 01/08/2009, 12:07
It took me a while to beat this 101%. Great game.
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