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Alternative Names



Nintendo EAD



Other Versions

iQue, VC

Release Dates

09/29/96 Nintendo
06/23/96 Nintendo
03/01/97 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,027
Favorite: 133
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:



Extra stars
Collect a hundred coins on a stage to get a star. Besides the six stars in each course there is an additional a seventh star obtained when 100 coins are collected. There are also stars in the castle. Toad gives Mario a few, as well as the running rabbit in the basement. After you get the first key from Bowser, unlock the door in the basement. Go in and look for a rabbit and catch it. This is very hard and frustrating, but will result in a star after he stops complaining that he is late for tea. On the Princess' Slide level, there are actually two stars that can be obtained. The first is collected by completing the course in under 25 seconds and the other can be obtained by completing it in under 20 seconds. To complete it in under 20 seconds use the following trick. When you first see the coins that move from the surface towards the air, jump. Hopefully you will land on a solid floor which is barely three seconds from the finish. Go to the first floor and into the one with a boat picture. Go right and face the cloud wall. Do a flip. You will find a black box. Jump in and then get eight red coins. On the other side, it is the same thing but you will get a mushroom. Play the magma Level with the mini volcano (the red hot log rolling mission). You need the red wing cap to fly. Get the wing cap box behind you with a long jump and start flying. Stop directly in front of the volcano and start doing the 1, 2, ,3 jump and fly. Start flying over to the logs in the bottom right corner, directly from where Mario starts. When you see the log, fly above it and you will see the Star. Fly into it. In the desert level, get the shell out of the box near the wing cap box. Keep jumping on the pyramid for the top of the pyramid star. Be careful not to hit a fall or a fire.
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11,910,000 Units

Opinion (62)

Junkrixx posted 14/06/2015, 12:34
My favorite Mario game ever! I really want a remake on the Wii U or on the 3DS! 12 M of sales! 22 M N64 + DS!! It's so amazing!
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ExplodingBlock posted 05/11/2014, 05:59
One of my favorite games ever, as well with many other people
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DieAppleDie posted 16/09/2012, 01:44
classic masterpiece, absolutely revolutionary
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S.Peelman posted 07/07/2012, 10:53
Amazing game, one of my favorites. Best Mario game ever.
Would love to see a true sequel to this 3D Mario. It's open world and non-linear gameplay were right on target. For a second there I thought Mario Galaxy 2 would the spiritual successor to this, but then they blew it with 2D style level select.
Come on Nintendo! Do it! Complete the ideas you had for 'Super Mario 128'!
On another note, even though 12 million seems 'disappointing', it's good to note that this game sold to 1 in 3 owners of a N64, so that's pretty amazing.
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Hibern81 posted 23/06/2012, 07:58
This is number 2 on my all time Mario list! I would love to see a sequel of this game on the Wii U!
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Tammi posted 22/10/2011, 01:54
It just seems like the sales numbers should be higher than that...
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