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Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen

ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面


Nintendo EAD



Other Versions

N64, WiiU

Release Dates

05/18/09 Nintendo
04/06/09 Nintendo
04/02/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 160
Favorite: 29
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:



Infinite rupees
Note: The following trick requires a Bomb Bag, Bomb, code for observatory (you can use the front door but the back door is better), the Ocarina Of Time, and the Song Of Time. As an adult buy the Bomb Bag at the Bomb shop (50 coins?), then buy a Bomb or get them free by cutting weeds. Go to the kid that is blocking the observatory and give him the code (you need the code to become an adult). When you get to the water, go left instead of right to find a wall that can be bombed. Bomb it and go inside to find a chest with 100 silver rupees. Go to the bank (the man on the wall opposite the shops in the west part of Clock Town). Deposit the coins and play the Ocarina Of Time. The bank teller has marked you to remember what he owes you, so your cash stays intact in the bank. However, the contents of the chest will reset. This works for all coin chests in the game, so you can use this trick at any time. On any day, go to the northeast corner of Clock Town. Turn and walk south to the edge of the ledge (be careful not to fall off). Turn around and give yourself some speed. Run toward the edge and press A before reaching the edge and Link will roll. You will land on the next ledge. From there, jump across on the decorations of the building going south until you are above the shooting gallery. Turn right and follow the roof until you get to the treasure chest. The chest contains 100 silver rupees. Remember to go to the banker and deposit your money to save it. Play your Ocarina to start at day one and repeat. Enter Termina Field from South Clock Town and head towards the Milk Road. There will be a bird that attacks you and steals your items. Use the Deku Mask, target the bird, and shoot bubbles at him in the air. When he attacks, spin attack it. The bird will die after a few hits, and you will get 200 rupees. This can be repeated as needed.
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Opinion (13)

Pavolink posted 28/11/2010, 02:03
I hope SS takes some things from this game :D
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c03n3nj0 posted 29/12/2009, 01:36
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VivaLaWiida posted 13/10/2009, 07:24
Very good game, although the last boss fight scared me a bit
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RCTjunkie posted 21/09/2009, 12:13
Pure gold. :D
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Asriel posted 09/08/2009, 11:56
I finished this last night, superb game. Definitely the oddest and saddest Zelda.
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wiisley64 posted 28/07/2009, 08:55
Played and beat this game when I had it for N64 but glad to be able to play it again. Awesome game.
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