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Bright Light Productions



Other Versions

DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, X360

Release Dates

06/30/09 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
07/03/09 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 10
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Dueling, potions, and other helpful stuff locations

The crests give you items when you get to a certain #. Those lion statues give you them when you help someone (like you wanna do that, ha ha ha). Some of them are broken and you need to repair them. others are hidden under stairs and in plants(protect it, dont burn it, just kiding). heres some of the things ill tell you.

slytherin duel clublowest floor in staircase and through a door
Crestprevious info but under stair
hufflepuf duel clubthrough transfiguration shortcut
more health in duelsfind crests
love potionsame thing
more characters in duelssame thing (getting the idea)
ravenclaw duel clubone of the courtyards
lion statueone is in the corridor outside the top of clok towr
Unlockable How to Unlock
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (9)

1 n/a 7,294 10,246 2,955 20,495
2 n/a 5,816 20,122 4,302 30,240
3 n/a 11,158 22,812 5,683 39,653
4 n/a 14,781 23,302 6,401 44,484
5 n/a 14,460 14,306 4,881 33,647
6 n/a 9,930 12,276 3,750 25,956
7 n/a 6,988 10,116 2,879 19,983
8 n/a 5,416 8,432 2,329 16,177
9 n/a 4,158 8,326 2,089 14,573
10 n/a 3,361 6,386 1,633 11,380
dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/08/2009, 01:31
nice to see this selling on Wii, maybe i'll try it some time
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marcianito posted 01/08/2009, 07:14
having legs
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SJGohan3972 posted 01/08/2009, 03:19
Wonder if this has a chance to surpass the last one (.85mln on Wii)... it's not getting off to a very good start but seems to be having great legs thanks to the timing of the movie release. The total sales for the week WW have gone up each week :)
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Fleeman posted 31/07/2009, 12:51
only 4 weeks to past punch out's total for 10 brutal
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DarkLantis posted 28/07/2009, 05:29
well... after all, we saw a 92% raise on sales hahahaha :P
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ajaghvajagh posted 21/07/2009, 07:00

uhh lets wait for week 3 D: lol
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