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If you hit the PS button and select "quit game" or, alternatively but not recommended, cut the power to your PS3 immediately as your character dies before the game has a chance to auto-save, when you reload, you will be near where you were originally with all your souls in-tact. Make sure to do it quickly, you run no risk of damaging your save file if you do it this way.
posted 08/01/2013, 05:43
why are the Euro sales so low, LOL EUROPEASANTS Message | Report |
posted 12/06/2012, 07:59
Certainly is interesting. And it got nowhere near the marketing push/hype of the sequel around launch. Very strange. Message | Report |
posted 05/03/2012, 09:18
Demon's souls is ahead of dark souls PS3 + 360 combined, that is pretty interesting. Message | Report |
posted 02/12/2011, 01:10
Cant wait till this hits 2m. Great game needs more sales! Message | Report |