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Rare Ltd.



Release Dates

06/21/05 Microsoft Game Studios
06/30/05 Microsoft Game Studios
06/24/05 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 103
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:



Xbox multiplayer upgrades.

Do the following to unlock them!

All 6 Class Medals: Only veterans can handle this kind of language.
1000 Kills (Long Ranger Class): Steadier aim, Nimbler reload
1000 Kills (Sky Jockey Class): Quicker targeting, Quicker Breech
1000 Kills (Demolisher Class): Increased Strayfur clip, Guided Rocket boost
1000 Kills (Thermophile Class): Recharger Boost: thermo weapons
1000 Kills (Sneeker Class): Snoopa. Improved cloaking
1000 Kills (Grunt Class): Clip extension, Self-heal overcharge
50 Kills Total: Avatar Pack II
500 Kills Total: Avatar Pack III
1000 Kills Total: Avatar Pack IV
500 Mobile Unit Kills: Bonus Avatar Pack
All 6 Specialist Medals: IR enhance, Booster plus, Quicker Tank breech, Improved Hogster
2000 Healing Points (Specialist): Enhanced healing speed
500 Mine Kills (Specialist): +1 Mine per loadout
500 Backstabs (Specialist): Instant Detonate: Snoopa
500 Fire Damage Kills (Specialist): Sinurator tank capacity increased
500 Headshots (Specialist): Overcharge power boost
1500 Repair Points (Specialist): Kinetic Seal: Increased repair efficiency
500 Marshalls Assassinated: +1 Primary Grenade slot
500 Generals Assassinated: +1 Secondary Grenade slot
1500 Kills Total: Projectile Coulour - Golden bullets
3000 Kills Total: Projectile Colour - Regal purple bullets
4000 Kills Total: Re-spawn penalty modifier 1/2 reduction
1000 VC Points: Hacking Device: Speed chipped

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Legacy Sales History

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Opinion (16)

Masked_Muchaco posted 03/11/2018, 02:42
I'm so glad that this game is now retrocompatible with the XB1 :)
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thewastedyouth posted 11/03/2013, 07:25
Microsoft should release this on the xbox 360 Arcade!!!
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Panama posted 21/02/2012, 06:08
Absolutely loved it, less is more and I found it more humorous with the bleeps than the original. The MP wasn't as good as the N64s modes but they great for what they were. It still sports graphics that i'd argue looks better than most Wii games out there too.
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goldeneye0065r posted 03/01/2012, 01:56
lol and they bleeped out i am the great mighty poo im going to throw my shit at you? for a fucking mature console as xbox was ,, haha -whats that hardcore /people against nintendo ya thats right -- i thought nintendo was too kiddy but yet they manage the best version of this pft rare outside the gba and 1 ds port , is shit
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MARCUSDJACKSON posted 27/08/2011, 07:57
sucked ass balls. look 90% of the fun and other multiplayer aspects of the game removing whole mod's even like the hiest just namr one of many. if i had some advice for MS it would be to close Rare or fire the current team and start from scratch. big disappointing. adding vehicles to the capture the flag aspect wasn't a bad idea, and the way the set up the weapons was ok but everything else about the multiplayer suck'd.
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stika posted 30/04/2010, 11:07
the game sold .69 million that number is so fitting
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