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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

テイルズ オブ ジ アビス


Namco Tales Studio



Other Versions

All, PS2

Release Dates

02/14/12 Namco Bandai
06/30/11 Namco Bandai
11/25/11 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 91
Favorite: 15
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 15

Avg Community Rating:



Tear Artes list
Pow Hammer-Level 5 Nocturnal Light-Level 13 Frozen Hammer-Pow Hammer Inlay Nocturne-Nocturnal Light Severed Fate-Level 31 Banishing Sorrow-Level 40 Fatal Circle-Severed Fate Searing Sorrow-Banishing Sorrow First Aid-default Invoke Ground-Level 9 Invoke Aqua-Level 10 Invoke Flame-Level 11 Invoke Gale-Level 12 Charge-Level 16 Meditation-First Aid Tribute-Charge Healing CIrcle-Level 20 Eclair d' Larmes-Level 33 Enhance Cast-Level 37 Fairy Circle-Healing Circle Flamme Rouge-Eclair d'Larmes Witchcraft-Enhance Cast Resurrection-Level 27 Holy Lance-Level 48 Regenerate-Resurrection Cluster Raid-Holy Lance Nightmare-default Force Field-event Holy Song-event Revitalize-Level 44 Judgment-event Grand Cross-Level 58
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Shipping Total

150,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2011

Opinion (75)

NoirSon posted 28/11/2016, 12:21
Namco left money on the table, while a original game may have been cost prohibited. They probably could have made profit off of ports of some of the Vita or older games (like the Symphonia collection if possible) if released in the US on the 3DS.
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b00moscone posted 16/02/2016, 03:38
Great game! Deserves a lot more sales.
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atma998 posted 26/12/2015, 07:37
750K. This remake sold more than most of the original Tales games.
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leedlelee posted 25/10/2015, 10:09
I actually still see this game new at big retailers like Target all the time...
If any of my fellow Americans are looking for a new copy of this title, come to New York and look for a Target...
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Darwinianevolution posted 22/09/2015, 04:06
This game needs a reprint. I see used copies as expensive as a new copy sold through the internet. The demand is there.
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AfricanSanta posted 31/08/2014, 04:48
I hope this can reach 750k, not sure if this is gonna have the legs.....
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