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Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア3


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

11/08/11 Activision
11/17/11 Square Enix
11/08/11 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 145
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 9
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:



Strike Chain Rewards
The Strike Chain system replaces the Killstreak system of previous games and you get bonuses for killing other players/fulfilling objectives in some game modes without dying. They are divided into three Strike Packages, which differ in what bonuses you get. The three packages are Assault, Support and Specialist. Each of the three packages will be listed, with each bonus listed as well as the number of points needed in parentheses, and a short description of what each bonus does. With the Assault and Specialist sets, when you die, the streak is reset. ASSAULT STRIKE CHAIN ==================== - UAV (3) - Shows enemies on the minimap - Care Package (4) - Drops a package that contains a random pointstreak or ammo - IMS (5) - Intelligent Munitions System detects and eliminates enemies - Predator Missile (5) - Remote controlled missile - Sentry Gun (5) - Placeable Sentry Gun - Precision Airstrike (6) - Call in a directional airstrike - Attack Helicopter (7) - Call in an attack helicopter - Strafe Run (9) - Strafing run of 5 attack copters on a single point - Little Bird Guard (9) - AH-6 Little Bird follows the player and eliminates any enemies seen - Reaper (9) - Laser-guided missiles (up to 14) shot at targets from Reaper UAV - Assault Drone (10) - Airdrop an assault drone, which has a single-shot rocket and a LMG - AC130 (12) - Become the gunner of an AC130 - Pave Low (12) - Heavy armored assault copter - Juggernaut (15) - Advanced armor, plus the M60E4 LMG and MP412 revolver - Osprey Gunner (17) - Become the gunner in a V-22 Osprey SUPPORT STRIKE CHAIN (does not reset when player dies, and kills don't contribute to streak) ==================== - UAV (4) - Shows enemies on minimap - Counter UAV (5) - Jams enemy radar - Ballistic Vests (5) - Deploys a bag of Ballistic Vests for your team, which increases overall health for a short time - Airdrop Trap (5) - Kills enemies with a booby-trapped airdrop crate - SAM Turret (8) - Automated SAM turret - Recon Drone (10) - Gives you a Recon Drone, which shows enemies for your team - Advanced UAV (12) - Like a regular UAV, but shows the direction the enemies are facing - Remote Turret (12) - Remotely control a small turret - Stealth Bomber (14) - Airstrike that cannot be detected on enemy maps - EMP (18) - Disables enemy electronics temporarily - Juggernaut Recon (18) - Advanced armor, plus a Riot Shield and USP .45 - Escort Airdrop (18) - V-22 Osprey drops and protects 4 care packages SPECIALIST STRIKE CHAIN ====================== The Specialist Strike Chain is a special one, in that it doesn't have predefined rewards like the previous two. The rewards are locked at 2, 4, 6 and 8 points. At two, four and six points, you get one extra perk. At eight points, you gain access to all perks that available in the Specialist set, except for Overkill.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (41)

1 n/a 2,092,988 2,430,087 568,162 5,091,237
2 180,646 381,765 362,970 177,002 1,102,383
3 30,568 331,878 254,719 133,313 750,478
4 14,048 171,734 255,506 109,943 551,231
5 7,872 208,871 255,283 115,580 587,606
6 8,060 263,136 246,172 120,895 638,263
7 56,238 319,953 287,972 143,298 807,461
8 18,127 147,497 194,712 66,627 426,963
9 13,913 56,427 66,092 23,565 159,997
10 7,232 35,066 41,256 14,688 98,242
Iveyboi posted 01/08/2012, 02:06
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Heavenly_King posted 26/06/2012, 05:18
sold more on the PS3 this week O_o
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The_Murray posted 26/06/2012, 04:18
First 12 million seller next week.
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VGKing posted 17/04/2012, 03:59
Weird how sales grew so much in Europe from Black Ops to MW3 already, yet in America they are still lagging behind Black Ops.
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VGKing posted 17/03/2012, 03:42
Officially passed Black Ops! March 16, 2012.
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VGKing posted 17/02/2012, 07:51
2012 sales are in the PS3's favor!
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