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Review Scores




Rocksteady Studios



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

10/18/11 Warner Bros. Interactive
11/23/11 Warner Bros. Interactive
10/21/11 Warner Bros. Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 147
Favorite: 22
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 14

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (41)

1 n/a 509,370 242,274 112,315 863,959
2 n/a 171,837 114,020 52,697 338,554
3 n/a 78,123 52,382 24,325 154,830
4 n/a 34,604 31,700 12,850 79,154
5 n/a 34,804 25,280 11,276 71,360
6 1,714 107,650 23,650 21,797 154,811
7 668 64,087 36,757 18,511 120,023
8 505 83,097 46,348 23,759 153,709
9 571 105,740 63,480 31,315 201,106
10 719 148,422 54,057 35,316 238,514
elizabeth55 posted 15/06/2015, 04:44

Hello Dear
my name is elizabet dion
I am, very happy to contact you, to day
and i wish to be in good relationship, with you
and i will be very happy if you can reply me
through my private (

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elizabeth55 posted 15/06/2015, 04:44

Hello Dear
my name is elizabet dion
I am, very happy to contact you, to day
and i wish to be in good relationship, with you
and i will be very happy if you can reply me
through my private (

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AmericanAli posted 05/08/2012, 11:40
is `The Dark Knight Rises` boosting this game recently?
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Ganoncrotch posted 05/08/2012, 05:02
Dark knight easily glides over the 3m mark for the 360 alone, excellent work and 1 amazing game.
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AmericanAli posted 26/04/2012, 08:59
this game deserves so much more,such a great game proud of owning it! more pleasseee!! :D
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Heavenly_King posted 24/03/2012, 11:21
looks like the sales are dying for this one.
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