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All, PS3, Series

Release Dates

10/04/11 Namco Bandai
(Add Date)
10/07/11 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 84
Favorite: 12
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 13

Avg Community Rating:



Stray Demon (BOSS)
To get to the Stray Demon, you will need to return to the Undead Asylum. When you get to the area where you fought the Asylum Demon, the floor will break away and you'll drop down to the area with the Stray Demon (and you'll lose some health if you don't have Fall Control). This boss is quite similar to the Asylum Demon, except it has a lot of health and one attack that stands out from the rest. It will slam its axe into the ground, causing a large explosion in front of him, as well as small area behind him. You should be able to get 2 good hits on him (3 if using a quicker weapon) after this attack, and then you should retreat after. Your best bet is to stay behind the Stray Demon and don't be too far away from him. Just remember to not be too greedy with your hits and always keep your health high, because if you get hit by his shockwave, it will hurt.
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Shipping Total

1,260,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2018

Opinion (57)

xboxonefan posted 13/08/2016, 04:23
The most frustrating game reached a Million
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/03/2015, 04:45
@Daguza - Well this did great for a port and no sales in Japan.
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Daguza posted 26/03/2015, 02:05
I love it when an xbox game dose badly :)

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Wright posted 12/01/2014, 03:10
This game had such strong legs on a new platform, and that's amazing considering how niche the game can be sometimes. Though the Ps3 version almost double it in sales, but that's mostly thank to Japan, which doesn't help this version at all.
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think-man posted 14/10/2013, 05:18
I take that back, It was never released in Japan which Is where the Ps3 version got the bulk of its sales.
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reviniente posted 24/03/2013, 09:37
Yeah... 'bad', certainly is relative.
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