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EA Canada



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Release Dates

09/15/09 EA Sports
(Add Date)
09/18/09 EA Sports

Community Stats

Owners: 26
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (6)

1 n/a 59,952 11,446 12,443 83,841
2 n/a 28,490 6,862 6,145 41,497
3 n/a 17,870 4,535 3,892 26,297
4 n/a 8,383 3,318 2,019 13,720
5 n/a 6,195 2,655 1,525 10,375
6 n/a 6,903 2,173 1,572 10,648
7 n/a 6,221 1,868 1,402 9,491
8 n/a 6,624 1,885 1,476 9,985
9 n/a 7,636 1,901 1,657 11,194
10 n/a 7,196 1,863 1,573 10,632
loves2splooge posted 04/02/2010, 12:56
I've always thought soccer was less popular than hockey in the US but this is actually selling less than FIFA 10 in Americas. Consideing that EA probably gets a nice chunk of their NHL 10 Americas sales from Canada, FIFA 10 is probably killing NHL 10 in the states.

I'm currently renting it. Good game. I used to be a HUGE fan of the series but I haven't played an NHL game since NHL 2001 so it's neat to see how much the series has evolved since then. I still like playing the traditional season mode but be a player mode (introduced in 09) is pretty neat. Gonna fiddle with Be a GM mode later.
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candy2500 posted 16/10/2009, 04:58
this might just be one of those sports games even if you don't like hockey but enjoy other sports games you'll need to add to your sports collection. it just represents the sport of hockey that good.
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Frinaldo posted 06/10/2009, 11:45
Excellent game
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Bagaren85 posted 01/10/2009, 01:07
Nice sales? I hope it will had great legs. The game deserve to be a million hit.
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Aj_habfan posted 26/09/2009, 08:40
Nice sales! First year for NHL we have Others being tracked. Groovy.
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Bagaren85 posted 25/09/2009, 11:23
Greatast NHL ever! Love it. 9/10
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