America - Front
America - Back
Total Sales |
Japan |
NA |
Europe |
Others |
Total |
1 | n/a | 41,732 | 97,032 | 39,708 | 178,472 |
2 | n/a | 20,521 | 60,196 | 23,686 | 104,403 |
3 | n/a | 13,349 | 23,401 | 10,156 | 46,906 |
4 | n/a | 10,575 | 16,673 | 7,424 | 34,672 |
5 | n/a | 11,419 | 18,072 | 8,039 | 37,530 |
6 | n/a | 18,196 | 23,361 | 10,998 | 52,555 |
7 | n/a | 16,005 | 26,721 | 11,731 | 54,457 |
8 | n/a | 26,900 | 27,688 | 13,976 | 68,564 |
9 | n/a | 30,076 | 33,141 | 16,355 | 79,572 |
10 | 4,591 | 27,420 | 40,779 | 19,344 | 92,134 |
posted 23/05/2012, 05:56
Not a big game really, open world, good graphics, lots to do. Listing the pros is boring though, the cons: EVERYBODY IS OUT TO KILL YOU! Imagine if in GTA, every person had a gun, and was hostile towards you for 100% of the time - this is Far Cry 2. Also the pacing is slow, it feels like most of my time is driving to locations that are needlessly far away from the start point, and having guns jam every 5th shot is not a feature I would add in the future. Free with PS+ though, I had a decent time, can't complain too much Message | Report |
posted 28/11/2009, 05:10
It's the unique open-world concept of this game that separated it from other linear FPS out there, and that's what boosted this relatively low-profile game (compared to the massive hype of Gears, Resistance, Call of Duty, Killzone 2, etc) to over a million copies sold per platform. Message | Report |